22 Years' Battery Customization

Do you need to recharge 100% before unplugging when the phone automatically shuts down?

Dec 18, 2023   Pageview:300

It is recommended to recharge the phone to at least 20% before using it again if it automatically shuts down due to low battery. In this scenario, charging the phone to 100% isn’t always necessary. Once the phone is at a comfortable battery level for immediate use, it can be unplugged even though modern smartphones have integrated circuitry to prevent overcharging.

Charging the battery to the 100% level frequently is not very beneficial for the long-term health of the battery and it's not required every time. More wear on the battery is likely due to the frequent charging of full charging cycles. It is therefore recommended to have the battery charge between 20% to 80%.

Using the phone until it automatically shuts down or allowing the charge cycle to get to 100% occasionally won’t cause significant harm. However, that should not be a regular habit as the battery’s lifespan is reduced and the health is affected.

What is battery aging?

Battery aging is the natural degradation process that takes place in a battery over time and usage. The battery's overall performance reduces as the battery's capacity to store and deliver power degrades gradually. Several factors contribute to battery aging;

Chemical changes- during charge and discharge cycles, the chemical reactions that take place cause gradual breakdown of the components within the battery. Over time, this degradation can result in decreased efficiency and capacity.

Cycle count- the battery aging process is affected directly by each complete charge-discharge cycle. Repeated cycling leads to wear and tear of the battery which reduces the ability to store and deliver charge.

Temperature- The battery aging process is accelerated by extreme temperatures both high and low. Cold temperatures slow down the reactions taking place within the battery which affects its performance while high temperatures cause rapid chemical reactions.

State of Charge-storing a battery for extended periods at either a high or low charge state can have an impact on the battery lifespan. When batteries are kept at low or high charge levels for prolonged periods, they are likely to degrade faster.

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

Calendar aging- batteries degrade over time even if they are not in use. This is calendar aging. The battery capacity reduces as materials degrade gradually regardless of the number of charge and discharge cycles.

Usage patterns- the aging process can be quickened by fast charging, discharging rates, and intensive usage. Rapid charging and high currents generate stress and heat on the battery which impacts its health in the long run.

Battery aging is a process influenced by different factors and is inevitable. Battery capacity decreases over time as they are designed with a certain lifespan. The effects of aging and prolonging the lifespan can be improved by regular battery care, observing best practices for the charge and discharge process, and avoiding extreme temperatures.

Which kind of cell phone battery is it?

Cell phone battery is a term used commonly for lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-polymer (LiPo) batteries.?These are the most common types of rechargeable batteries employed in portable electronic devices and cell phones.

Lithium-ion batteries store a significant amount of energy as they have high energy density in a relatively small and lightweight design. The balance between weight, lifespan, and energy capacity is generally good.?They are reliable and efficient making them an ideal choice for use in modern smartphones.

Lithium-ion batteries have several advantages such as high energy density, lightweight, low self-discharge rate, longer lifespan, and fast charging capabilities and they do not have the memory effect.

Lithium polymer batteries are different from lithium-ion batteries. These are more flexible in their size and shape as they consist of a different electrolyte composition and packaging. The advantages of using lithium polymer batteries are the flexible form factor, high energy density, and lightweight, and as compared to lithium-ion batteries, these are less prone to swelling or leakages. The safety issues are less in lithium polymer batteries.

The flexibility in design allows them to be used in devices and applications requiring a unique or more custom form factor. These batteries can store power and deliver it efficiently.?They are used to power smartphones and other portable electronic devices. The specific kind of battery in a cell phone is often a lithium-based battery either lithium polymer or lithium-ion based on the manufacturer and model of the device.

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

Nickel-based batteries (NiMH and NiCad)- these batteries offer several advantages like lower cost and they are more stability under high temperatures. Compared to lithium-based batteries, nickel-based batteries are less prone to catastrophic failure.

Factors like safety, cost, weight, and energy density determine the battery type option in a cell phone. Better performance and higher energy density in lithium-based batteries allow them to be widely used.

What is the cycle life of the battery?

The number of full charge and discharge cycles that a battery can undergo before significant capacity degradation is known as the cycle life of a battery. The cycle life ranges for lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-polymer (LiPo) batteries which are common in cell phones and other portable devices, is between 300 to 500 complete cycles. Battery cycle life can be affected by various factors including;

Depth of Discharge (DoD) - deeper discharges might impact the cycle life as the battery is drained to very low levels regularly. For a longer battery lifespan, shallower discharges are much better.

Charging Habits- overcharging, fast charging Habits, and charging under high temperatures affect the battery cycle life while contributing to rapid degradation.

Environmental factors - the battery's lifespan and performance are impacted by extreme temperatures. Cold temperatures slow down chemical reactions within the battery cells while extremely high temperatures cause rapid heat generation which poses potential safety issues.

The battery's expected cycle life is often specified by the manufacturers in the product specifications section.

The number of charge and discharge cycles that the battery can endure before significant capacity degradation is indicated. Habits that promote battery health should be followed to maintain performance and longevity. These can include avoiding deep-discharging the battery, avoiding extreme temperatures, and respecting the recommended charging practices by the manufacturer.


It is recommended to recharge the phone to at least 20% before using it again if it automatically shuts down due to low battery. Charging the phone to 100% isn’t always necessary. Regular full charge cycle or draining of the battery affects the battery’s health and reduces its lifespan.


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