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How is corn processed into graphene?

Mar 11, 2019   Pageview:642

Before attending the Shandong delegation of the Fourth Session of the 12th National People's Congress, Premier Keqiang Li carefully examined the graphene internal warm clothing products of Jinan Shengquan Group.


"Can we process corn and produce graphene with grain?" On the morning of March 6, Keqiang Li, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, attended the four-time meeting of the 12th National People's Congress and considered it in Jinan. When Shengquan Group Co., Ltd. produces the sacred graphene thermal underwear, it is bluntly saying that this product is “very expensive”. In the communication session, Keqiang Li put forward higher requirements for the industrialization of graphene. He hoped that Shengquan Group would further try to use corn to directly process graphene on the basis of the straw corncoal refining process, thus reducing the burden on the financial sector. It can also help farmers increase their incomes. In one fell swoop, "If there is a new breakthrough in corn processing, the state will fully support you." [Pre-conference exchange] Graphene clothing cited the Prime Minister’s stop, bluntly saying that the product is “very expensive”


At 8 o'clock in the morning of March 6, Yilin Tang, the chairman of Shengquan Group, passed the layered review of the security checkpoints of the two conferences and entered the conference hall where the Shandong delegation was located. In a few minutes, Keqiang Li, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, will attend the four-time meeting of the 12th National People's Congress. In the words of Yilin Tang, his mood is both exciting and tense at the moment. The excitement is that he can finally see the prime minister again. He feels that there are many words in his heart that he wants to tell him. The tension is that he brought this meeting. The company's newly developed sacred graphene clothing, he anxiously waited for the emergence of the prime minister, because he is ready to hand over the product to the premier review, and look forward to receiving the Premier's comments.


"I have mentioned this matter to the Prime Minister last year, but I did not report it in detail." Yilin Tang told reporters that as a representative of the National People's Congress, he also discussed with the Premier in the Shandong delegation last year, but unfortunately he was only an alternative at the time. The spokesperson did not get the opportunity to report directly to the Prime Minister. Only when the Prime Minister and the delegates shook hands one by one, they mentioned that the company is working on the development of graphene clothing. After the end of the two sessions last year, Yilin Tang personally grasped the R&D and production of graphene internal warm fiber, not only successfully produced graphene from the cellulose fraction in the plant straw corn cob, but also successfully realized graphene and viscose in just one year. The combination of various fibers such as fiber, polyester, acrylic, spandex, etc., produces internal heating multi-functional fiber, which has excellent characteristics such as low temperature far infrared, fast moisture absorption and perspiration, good antibacterial and antibacterial, promoting microcirculation and other excellent characteristics, and was successfully marketed last fall.


At the two sessions this year, Yilin Tang entered the list of speakers of the Shandong delegation and had the opportunity to report to the Prime Minister on the development of graphene. At 9 o'clock in the morning, Premier Keqiang Li appeared in the conference hall on time and shook hands and talked with the representatives one by one. "Hello, Prime Minister, this is our graphene underwear, and it has already come out in large numbers." Yilin Tang handed the already prepared Shengquan graphene warm clothing to the Prime Minister.


Oh, graphene? Is it industrialized now?” The prime minister asked and asked about this product. "Yes, it has been industrialized, and the three-month sales have reached tens of millions." Yilin Tang's answer made the Prime Minister satisfied and nodded and smiled. "This product is very expensive!" The Prime Minister suddenly said such a sentence that made Yilin Tang slightly surprised. The short words spoken by the Prime Minister familiar with the graphene industry undoubtedly made Yilin Tang feel very excited.


[Interactive] Prime Minister continuously asked graphene, Shengquan products were applauded


At the meeting, Yilin Tang, as the last speaker, gave a report to the Prime Minister entitled “Implementing an Innovation-Driven Development Strategy and Seizing the Commanding Point of Graphene Production Application”. It briefly introduced the process of shengquan group to extract graphene from corn cob and successfully make it into inner warm clothing, as well as the development ideas and vision goals for the next step. After listening to the report, the Prime Minister expressed strong interest in Yilin Tang’s report and had an interaction with him for three or four minutes.


Is your current graphene extraction mainly extracted from corncob? Is there any other aspect?” In the face of the Prime Minister’s question, Yilin Tang admits that graphene is mainly extracted from corncob. One ton of graphene can be extracted for every 15 tons of corn cobs. “What about corn cobs?” The Prime Minister further questioned. Yilin Tang said that the acquisition of raw materials is very good. The corncob is affected by the market and crude oil prices. The price has dropped sharply. The previous purchase price was 950-1000 Yuan/ton, and now it can buy one ton at around 600 Yuan. "Then your cost should be reduced." The Prime Minister asked with concern. “The cost is reduced, but the cost is not the main one. Graphene is the jewel in the crown and has a high value.” Yilin Tang introduced.


Who are you mainly working with to develop technology?” The Prime Minister is very interested in the research and development strength of Shengquan. In this regard, Yilin Tang replied that the company has deep cooperation with the team of Changjiang Scholars of Professor Honggang He of Heilongjiang University, the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. “Now it has been integrated with chemical fiber materials?” In the face of the professional problems of the Prime Minister, Yilin Tang immediately replied that the company has already spun in Shandong Hailong and Tangshan, Hebei, and finished the filaments in the short velvet, then in Shandong. Jiangsu, Beijing and other places to process finished clothing. For Yilin Tang’s answer, the Prime Minister smiled and nodded.


[Prime Minister's Comments] If you can use corn to process graphene, you can do more.


After listening to Yilin Tang's introduction of the R&D and production process of graphene apparel, the Prime Minister put forward new requirements for Yilin Tang and Shengquan Group: “Can we process corn and produce graphene with grain?” Facing the premier's question, yilin Tang replied: "grain can also be made into graphene. The batteries we are making are made of xylose." Next, the Prime Minister said something that made Yilin Tang feel very excited: "If you can have new in corn processing." Breakthrough, the state fully supports you. Our country now has a heavy backlog of corn stocks, and the price of corn has fallen. If you can help digestion, it will not only reduce the burden of finance, but also help farmers increase their income.


In summing up the speeches of the deputies, Premier Keqiang Li specifically mentioned graphene and expressed his appreciation and appreciation for the achievements made by Shengquan Group. "At present, this is an advanced technology in the world. You (Shengquan) have broken through not only industrialized, also commercialized, entered the market. This is through a subversive technology, extracted in biomass, although the application is only in the field of chemical fiber, but it is still expanding into other fields, which are It is a new kinetic energy."


[Feeling after the meeting] Corn processing graphene has been put on the agenda to look forward to early industry standard


"I didn't expect the Prime Minister to be so sure about our products. I feel very encouraged and confidence increased." Yilin Tang told reporters that after listening to the Prime Minister's ardent words. He could not calm down for a long time and felt like he had eaten a reassurance. "This industry has just started, not to mention the domestic, even if it is the leading technology in the world, because of this, we feel that the burden on the body is very heavy, after all, this not only represents the honor of the enterprise, but also represents a reflection of the research and development strength of China's graphene." He said that after the meeting, the staff had set up a special research work on corn processing graphene in the first time. He hoped to overcome this technical problem as soon as possible, and submitted a satisfactory answer to the Prime Minister, and made a contribution to digest the national corn stock.


Yilin Tang revealed that before the two sessions, the project of “1000 tons of graphene and 30,000 tons of graphene functional fiber per year” submitted by Shengquan has been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, and the next step will be to accelerate the layout of industrialized production according to market demand. In terms of market sales channels, Shengquan has planned 5 e-commerce platform sales lines and established an international cross-border trade sales network. It has initially formed a crop straw recycling economy industrial park, and has embarked on a new path of comprehensive utilization of biomass for green development. . On this basis, the 2016 biomass graphene production capacity is striving to move toward 100 tons.


Yilin Tang said that graphene is an emerging product, and the country needs to set industry standards as soon as possible, and at the same time establish product identification and testing center as soon as possible. “Doing a good job in standard setting up these tasks will speed up industrial development and accelerate the promotion to the international market. Graphene products are also new products and no standards in the world. China’s standards as soon as possible can also promote the development of world standards. Take action."


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What is graphene?


Graphene is a two-dimensional crystal of a honeycomb structure in which carbon atoms are closely arranged, and looks like a plane formed by a hexagonal grid. It is the thinnest material currently known. Single-layer graphene has only one carbon atom thickness and is one of nanomaterials. It is only 0.34 nanometers thick, and a 1 mm thick graphite sheet is made up of nearly 3 million layers of graphene. Due to its unique characteristics, graphene has broad application prospects in touch screens, electronic devices, energy storage batteries, sensors, semiconductors,special, biomedicine and other fields.


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