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Qinghai Salt Lake reserves 60% of the world's lithium resources

Mar 12, 2019   Pageview:908

With the rise of new energy automotive industry, lithium resources development has begun to be focused, and Qinghai Salt Lake reserves over 60% of the world’s lithium resources. Facing the advantages of resources, how should Qinghai take this road of lithium? Recently, the general office of the provincial government issued the "guidance about promoting sustainable healthy development of Qinghai lithium electricity industry", the answer is given.


Qinghai lithium reserves 60% of the world


According to published on September 19, 2017 the patent navigation Qinghai lithium industry report, according to data identified as global lithium resources reserves of 34 million tons, Qinghai salt lake lithium resources accounted for more than 60% of the world's lithium reserves.


So, how to use lithium resources, how to develop the lithium resources industry chain has become an immediate problem in our province. To this, our province will be guided by a national strategy, combined with new energy vehicles for the future development scale, 3 c products as well as the energy storage application market demand, increase the new technology of lithium electricity industry chain and application of new technology and forward-looking technology research and development, to improve efficiency in salt lake extracting lithium industry developing system with the combination of comprehensive utilization of resources, speed up construction of upstream and downstream capacity matching, complete industrial supporting lithium electricity industry chain.


By 2025, Qinghai lithium carbonate production reached 170000 tonnes a year, the lithium battery Batteries capacity reach 60 GWH) each year. Among them, Power battery Capacity to GWH, 3 c and 25 every year Energy storage battery Production capacity to reach 35 GWH each year.


According to introducing, according to the national economy and social development of Qinghai province thirteenth five-year plan outline "made in China 2025 Qinghai action plan", "new material industry development plan for 2025 in Qinghai province" requirement, in order to promote the rational and orderly development of Qinghai salt lake resources and promoting sustainable healthy development of the lithium electricity industry, will be based on the advantage of saline lake lithium resources in our province, in order to improve the development quality and efficiency as the center, relying on the national circular economy development area construction, pushing the sustainable and healthy development of the Qinghai lithium electricity industry on lithium resources intensive development and high quality lithium electricity industry as one of the industrial base, "knocking" on the new material industry.


The large capacity battery production will be speeded up


How to finish our province made the goal of 2025? Guidance is put forward, the first thing to strengthen innovation drive, promote the resource utilization, based on the existing lithium salt lake lift technology, focus on perfecting the centrifugal extraction, box-type extraction, membrane adsorption, saline lithium technology, break through the lithium salt lake magnesia than restrictions, promoting the comprehensive yield of lithium. Strengthen Laos rich lithium salt lake bittern lithium-based technology research and industrialization of technology research and development, as well as the deep brine technology of extracting lithium and other elements of collaborative development technology research, form a multi-level, diversified system of comprehensive utilization of salt lake and extracting lithium technology, perfect the system of green, low carbon, circulation development.


At the same time, strengthen technical innovation, improving the quality of development, further improve our province lithium electricity and automation, intelligent, the lean level of industry of form a complete set. Around the green, variety, quality, efficiency and safety production, according to the different characteristics of salt lake resources, adopt advanced applicable technology, increase the existing lithium carbonate salt and lithium carbonate production device of technological transformation efforts, to increase the comprehensive yield of lithium carbonate to more than 50%, a sharp rise in the rate of lithium carbonate electronic product level. For existing are anode materials, batteries, the production plant and process technology research and development strength, the key breakthrough lithium battery production costs, energy density, safety performance, cycle count and other technical "bottleneck”. Strengthening green lithium electricity industry safety technology application and transformation, promotion of waste battery recycling and utilization, promoting cleaner production.


In addition, the planning project in advance, the sustaining development, further strengthen acid lithium nickel and cobalt acid lithium manganese acid lithium and nickel cobalt manganese ternary cathode material, carburizing cathode materials, anode materials are nano, large capacity battery manufacturing process, intelligent battery management system, efficient arrangement in lithium battery recycling and core technology research. In advance to carry out the lithium applications in other fields of forward-looking technology research. Among them, focus on developing lithium alloy, aluminum, magnesium, binary and ternary alloy; Inorganic salt focus on developing electronic grade lithium carbonate, lithium chloride, lithium bromide, lithium 6, 7, lithium, lithium hydroxide sulfate and other fine chemical products, to improve the utilization level of high value of salt lake resources.


Qinghai province will be the leader of lithium electricity


We have learned, our province will also be perfect standard system, promote energy storage applications, more adapt to the new energy power plant application of lithium sulfur batteries, metal air batteries, solid-state batteries and other batteries and fuel cell research and development of the new system. Actively carry out energy storage battery in research of new energy storage application, standard system, determine the energy storage level division standard system, constructing scientific and reasonable perfect energy storage standard system.


At the same time, the establishment of research and development platform, provides the momentum, we will accelerate the establishment of a lithium electricity industrial technology research institute of Qinghai province, continue to increase investment in research and development, making it a lithium-ion battery technology research and development of the country's "leader", Qinghai branch set up national power battery innovation center, in order to achieve the ministry of industry and information technology, the national development and reform commission, ministry of science and technology, ministry of finance on the printed < promote auto power battery industry development action plan > notice Lithium ion power battery Monomer ratio exceeds 300 watts per kilogram, energy system cost per watt to 1 yuan indicators, such as the following to promote our province form the upstream and downstream capacity matching complete lithium electricity industry chain and industry cluster to provide technical support.


Our province will pave the way for the fund of lithium industry


The lithium industry development cannot leave the financial support and policy guarantee. It is reported, to realize the goal of our province in 2025, the provincial ministries goalkeeper provides the omni-directional safeguard measures, for the major problems in the lithium electricity industry development, decided by the provincial leading group for new energy and new materials research. In order to promote the benign development of the industry, set up by local governments, relevant departments and enterprises to participate in the brine pricing mechanism. Around the whole process of improve lithium recovery, optimization to improve the technical standard, perfect and that meet the needs of industrial development demand lithium resources development technology access. Support equipped with energy storage device of photovoltaic, wind power and other new energy power station project land priority, priority grid.


At the same time, with good financial fund and the regulation of tax policy on economic growth, vigorously promote the lithium carbonate in our province on the processing and conversion. Play to the market price guide for ecological protection and resource conservation, in accordance with the "beneficiary pay protectors, reasonable compensation", the principle of scientific design and improve the ecological compensation mechanism of prices and service fee and the province of lithium carbonate products enterprises, increase the ecological compensation levy standard, and the enterprise no longer enjoy the provincial financial fund subsidies and other preferential policies in the province.


Support conditional use of multi-level capital market financing, guidance eligible lithium electricity enterprise listed and refinancing in the capital market; Support enterprise use of short-term financing bonds, medium-term notes and other debt financing tools in the interbank market direct financing; Encourage banking financial institutions for the enterprise merger and reorganization, technology upgrading, industrial chain to provide innovative financial services such as key projects.


Play industry investment fund, small and medium enterprise development fund, such as leverage, the investment fund industry development in Qinghai province to set up the lithium electricity industry co., LTD., under the research development fund, adhere to market-oriented operation, guide the social capital to participate in the support of lithium electricity industry innovation and development.


In addition, our province will also vigorously cultivate local talent, relying on the introduction and training of all kinds of talents on national and provincial plan, agglomeration, cultivate and attract a group of master key core technology talents, shortage of talents and innovation team. Strengthen related disciplines in colleges and universities, professional construction, improve the curriculum and innovative vocational education personnel training mode, increase the intensity of talent cultivation in the province, focus on building domestic professional and technical personnel.


"Four insists" encourage the lithium industry development


Development is important, and the sustainable development is more important. Therefore, for the lithium industry development in our province has established four adhere to the principle of.


Insist on innovation drive, strengthen the development of kinetic energy, outstanding innovation forward-looking, pioneer and leading, strengthening the key core technology research and development, cultivating high level innovation talents, speed up the formation of original innovation, integrated innovation and the introduction of digestion, absorption and innovation promote each other, each other of the innovation chain.


Adhere to the ecological priority, promote the development of the cycle, the concept of green, low carbon, cycle development, strengthen the lithium electricity industry in research and development, preparation, use and recovery of the whole process of ecological protection. Actively promote potassium salt, sodium, magnesium, lithium, boron, such as synergistic extraction and efficient utilization of resources, prolong service life of Salt Lake City, to reduce the negative impact of salt lake resources development on the ecological environment.


Stick to a reasonable and orderly, realize sustainable development, together with the present situation of lithium resource conditions, industrial level and other factors, human resources, technology, and research and development, overall arrangement of lithium resources reserves scientific planning lithium electricity industry development scale and speed, realize the orderly development of saline lake lithium resources and recycling.


Adhere to the policy guidance, to perfect the institutional system, establish and improve the incentive and constraint mechanism, raise the threshold for technology access of the development of salt lake lithium resources, improve local processing and transforming of lithium carbonate in Qinghai province, push the advantage resources extent towards industrialization and high value chain.


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