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What are the causes of frequent electric vehicle fire accident?

Jan 31, 2019   Pageview:663

When is electric vehicle possible for fire?

Night more than half of the electric fire occurred in the process of charging at night.According to the previous case, the electric fire casualty charging commonly occur in the evening.A lot of people are charged in the corridor, this time when people are sleeping, even if found, often have no time to escape.Electric vehicle is put in the corridor, the escape routes directly to the cut off.Electric combustion experiments show that once the electric burns, toxic smoke 1 meter per second speed up quickly, so the 1 / f, electric ignition lead quickly to fall into a state of toxic smoke clouded the whole building, easy to cause casualties, even group die group of injury fire accident.

What was the reason for the frequent electric fire?

1, the aging line electric vehicles use time is long, the connection line in the car is very easy to aging, short circuit.If the car conductor short-circuit, plus external temperature is too high, it is easy to burn.

2,The battery short circuit.General electric car spontaneous combustion, it is easy to will cause due to the battery.Lead-acid batteries, for one, even if the battery internal temperature is higher, produce a large amount of gas, releases out through the vent, therefore not easily exploded.Unless the battery service life long, internal wiring short circuit, easily lead to spontaneous combustion.

3, the charger does not match the mismatch of electric car charger is likely to lead to electric car burst into flames.Now many families more than one electric cars, various brands of electric car charger don't mix, such not only can bring damage to electric car battery, will also be buried under the safe hidden trouble.

4, charging too much.Too much charge is the main reason for the electric car spontaneous combustion.General electric charge about eight hours of electricity will be able to meet the needs of users.In practice, many users are directly for convenience to electric vehicle charging overnight, charging 12 hours, or longer, so that not only have positive effect, it will reduce the performance of the battery.

5, voltage instability.When the electric vehicle charging at the same time, more can lead to voltage instability, easy to cause safety accidents.In addition, some people like private wire charge, will also be buried under the security hidden danger.

6, charging environment.Many users of the house are not exclusive electric vehicle charging, so the electric car will have to be stored in stairwells and corridors or push the electric car charging into the interior.Once the electric fire, flame and smoke will block construction safety exports, escape, easy cause casualties even group die group of injury.

Remind you:

1, use vehicle line after a long time easy to aging, suggest the user had better in the six months to one year time, come to the maintenance station to do regularly.In addition, under the high temperature weather ride later, want to put the car in the shade, such as car and down the temperature of the battery before charging.

2, according to the relevant technical standards, batteries in electric cars use fixed number of year to 1.5 years to 1.5 years, so suggest the user to change the battery regularly, and must to regular stores to buy matching battery, don't choose inferior battery.

3, different brand charger not mix, if the charger is damaged, please have to go to regular stores to buy.

4, to ensure that the electric charge time, when the battery to 70% - 80% charge in time, generally charge six to eight hours in summer, winter 8 to 10 hours advisable, charging the battery should not be excessive discharge.

5, pull wire is not private, not in the normal electric vehicle charging charging.

6, don't put the electric vehicle in corridor charging, don't put the electric car parked at the exit.

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