22 Years' Battery Customization

How to distinguish alkaline batteries from ordinary carbon batteries to buy

Feb 18, 2019   Pageview:771

Carbon and alkaline batteries, which are often used in daily life, have different prices. Ordinary remote control board can use carbon battery, and digital cameras, electric razors use alkaline battery, so how to distinguish alkaline battery and carbon battery is very necessary.


Tools/raw materials


Carbon battery


Step / method


1, look at the logo


Take a cylindrical battery as an example. The classification type of alkaline battery is LR. For example, “LR6” is alkaline battery of No.5, “LR03” is alkaline battery of No.7; the classification of ordinary dry battery is R, such as “R6P” is high-power type No.5 ordinary battery. "R03C" is a high-capacity type 7 ordinary battery. In addition, there is a unique "ALKALINE" content in the logo of the alkaline battery.


Alkaline battery


How to distinguish between alkaline batteries and ordinary carbon batteries when purchasing batteries


2. Weigh the components


The same type of battery, alkaline battery is much heavier than ordinary dry battery. For example, the weight of the alkaline battery No. 5 is about 24 grams, and the weight of the ordinary dry battery No. 5 is about 18 grams.


Carbon battery


How to distinguish between alkaline batteries and ordinary carbon batteries when purchasing batteries


3, touch the slot


Alkaline batteries can touch the annular groove at the end close to the negative electrode. Generally, there is no groove on the cylindrical surface of the ordinary dry battery, which is formed by the different sealing methods.


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