What is battery storage life and cycle life?
Oct 13, 2023 Pageview:412
Battery storage life and cycle have a different meaning that you must know, so you’ll get to know when it would be time to replace your old batteries. Battery storage life is the amount of energy the batteries can store inside it, whereas cycle life is the number of times that batteries can get recharged. So, there is a difference between battery storage life and cycle life.
The number of cycle life increases means the battery storage life will start getting affected. Different batteries have different battery storage life capacities and cycle life. Once the batteries reach the cycle life limit, their performance will start getting affected. The batteries will start to store less energy, or the backup will not last as long as it used to.
The battery storage life and cycle life are also liked with the discharge of depth of your batteries. You will learn more about the depth of discharge in further detail and how it is a part of your batteries.
Charge and Discharge Cycle Capacity
The energy storage capacity of your battery depends on its size, and it will take hours to fully recharge it. Yes, the batteries we are talking about are rechargeable, and they get recharged when they are fully drained. The number of cycles of your batteries is actually their life cycle. The charge and discharge cycle is the amount of time the batteries take to fully recharge and the amount of time they can give your electrical devices the backup.
Whenever energy backup is required, the batteries will rescue your electrical devices so they don’t die. The charge and discharge cycle capacity depends on how much time your batteries take to get fully recharged and for how long they provide you with energy backup. The charge and discharge cycle capacity also depends on the life of your batteries.
Slowly Starts Losing Capacity
As we have mentioned, a fact about charge and discharge cycle capacity of your batteries depends on their lives, which means if they are old, then it will take longer for them to get recharged. Plus, they won’t give you much of an energy backup because they would die soon. As the number of cycle life is increasing, the capacity of getting recharged and performing well would decrease.
The capacity to store energy and give backup would start losing its spark, and eventually, the batteries will stop getting recharged. Well, it all depends on the capacity, usage and size of the battery.
Battery Life Cycle Calculation
Whenever you buy a battery, you must ask the seller about the lifespan of the battery, and you will have an idea of how long it will function. Well, the life of your batteries also depends on your usage and how you maintain them. If it has been a year or longer and now you want to know about the battery life cycle, then use the following formula:
Life (in cycles) = (Capacity x 100) / (Discharge rate x Depth of discharge)
You will have the numbers that you would have to input in this formula will help you to find out the battery life cycle.
Environmental Conditions Affect the Battery Life Cycle
You are calculating the battery life cycle of your battery, but do you know that certain factors affect the battery life cycle? Yes, the temperature, environment, how you maintain them, charge and discharge rate, and how long the batteries take to get fully recharged now. You must keep these factors while you are calculating the battery life cycle of your battery.
Battery Cycle Life Comparison
Different batteries have different energy storage capacities and cycle life. Latest tech batteries, like lithium-ion batteries, are the most famous batteries among the audience because of a variety of positive reasons. Therefore, lithium-ion batteries are surely a better option if you are looking for batteries that will last long.
Lithium-ion and Lead-acid Batteries Have a Similar Life Cycle
Lithium-ion batteries are the latest tech as compared to lead-acid batteries, but lead-acid batteries are still widely used. The life cycle of both lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries is similar. Yes, both have a 3000-cycle life, but they can increase if you maintain them properly. Plus, the life cycle also depends on your usage and the source of energy you are using to recharge them.
lithium ion battery Cycle Life vs. the Depth of Discharge
There is a fact about lithium-ion batteries that their cycle life will increase with the decrease in depth of discharge. Depth of discharge is the battery capacity fraction that can be utilized, and the manufacturer decides it. For example, if we talk about a 500Ah battery with 20% DoD, then it will only provide 100Ah of power. So, now It is quite obvious that if the depth of discharge is low, then the cycle life will increase because you will be getting more power, and the battery will perform better.
So, now the type of lithium-ion battery you are considering, you must know about its depth of discharge so you would know about the cycle of your battery.
Cycle Life Depends on the Depth of Discharge
If you want a battery that has a longer lifespan and better cycle life, then the depth of discharge of that battery has to be minimal. Otherwise, if the DoD is higher, then it will highly affect the cycle life of your battery, and it won’t last long.
The cycle life and depth of discharge are directly connected, and if one decreases, the other one increases and vice versa. The cycle life is an important factor when deciding on the lithium-ion battery you are considering buying. A lithium-ion battery with a minimum depth of discharge will have a better cycle life and it will perform better.
Final Words
Now, you might have understood the difference between the battery storage life and cycle. They are strongly linked because one of them increases and the other decreases. The only way to keep your battery running for a longer time would be by paying attention to the maintenance of your batteries. The cycle life increase will decrease the battery storage life after a certain time.
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