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Check China's progress by the global lithium battery enterprise ranking

Mar 12, 2019   Pageview:627

Since invent the lithium battery on the market, lithium battery technology and market share have been belonged to Japan and South Korea, and later the European and American countries are in a leading position for a long time. In the beginning, the Chinese used batteries on the market and the key cell group technology mainly rely on import, although later, imports decreased, the batteries, assembly technology, high-end equipment also need to import.

China lithium battery enterprises have been looking for a breakthrough, it means a lot of input, if no issue of the market capacity, few have dared to a large number of lithium battery technology research and development. But since entering the second decade of the new century, because Chinese government policies on the development of new energy vehicles, power battery a surge in demand, in the policy direction under the guidance, the Chinese enterprises begin to enter the ranks of the world's leading lithium-ion batteries.

Zhongshang industry institute released 2017 annual global lithium battery enterprise sales and sales charts effectively to make the proof.

From the point of sales the top 10 enterprises from China, South Korea and Japan. Among them, the Japanese a: 7.2 Gwh, Panasonic sales ranked first; South Korea's two: 2.53 Gwh LG chem, Samsung SDI1.07 Gwh, fifth and ninth respectively; The rest of the seven for the lithium battery enterprises in China: 7.1 Gwh BYD, CATL6.8 Gwh, Walter Gwh 3.2, the 2.4 Gwh hin tech center, Lishen Gwh 1.8, 1.3 Gwh Bick, Catic 0.7 Gwh lithium electricity, respectively ranked second, three, four, six, seven, eight, ten.

Then from the point of sales, of the top 10 enterprises is also from the above three countries. Among them, the two Japanese companies: Panasonic, 23 billion yuan, SONY80 one hundred million yuan, ranking the first and seventh respectively; Two: South Korea LG chem 21 billion yuan, Samsung SDI205 one hundred million yuan, ranked second and third place respectively; The remaining six for the lithium battery enterprises in China: BYD is 16 billion yuan, one hundred million yuan CATL140, ATL135 one hundred million yuan, walter, 6.5 billion yuan, Lishen 6 billion yuan, gyu group 5.4 billion yuan, ranked fourth, five, six, eight, nine, ten.

Through the contrast of sales and sales can see, China lithium battery sales growth behind the growth of sales, this shows that foreign companies more high-end products, a higher price. In response, the Chinese enterprises should also have the determination to catch up. In fact, if the CATL and ATL, sales reached 27.5 billion yuan, CATL performance more prominent in 2018, although the 2018 annual report is not yet final, but from the point of performance throughout the year, may have more than BYD, and global status of Panasonic.

As the world's lithium battery enterprise future will also change, China's environmental protection energy storage industry policy support for the lithium battery enterprise development provides a more broad market space, which will promote the arrival of a trend: China lithium battery market share will surely be a rising tide lifts all boats.

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