Mar 25, 2019 Pageview:651
As national policy adjustments, market cultivation and consumer habits in the past two years, the lithium battery in the field of electric two-wheelers and tricycles appeared a new opportunity.
"Two head squeezing profit margins", "structural overcapacity", "hidden rules" auto enterprises supply chain, lithium battery every enterprise in the industry has not unfamiliar words indicates the domestic power lithium battery depth of the industry reshuffle.
Research high production of lithium electricity institute (GGII) believes that in the next three to five years, over 90% li-ion battery domestic enterprises will be merger, reorganization or bankruptcy, really can enter the number of vehicle supply system can't more than 20, and capacity will be concentrated into the hands of the top.
The main competition environment deterioration, forcing many lithium electricity enterprises to start looking for new opportunities in the field of other segmentation, high lithium electricity learned many visits, a lot of lithium electricity enterprise will be a vast market of electric two-wheelers, tricycle market as a key target in the next phase of the layout.
"It's a piece of our main consideration is lead-acid billions battery replacement, but it is not a new idea."A not to be named lithium electricity practitioners said.
As early as in 2014, was ushered in the domestic electric two rounds, tricycles to replace lead-acid batteries with lithium batteries, at that time, the price is very close to, the domestic many fancy lead-acid alternative market lithium electricity companies show layout ideas, but as the subsequent state of lithium battery materials, specifications of the leading adjustment, the price gap opened again.
With two wheels, electric tricycle with lithium electricity price competitive advantage is lost, and some enterprises in different degrees on or give up the practice in the field." However, as the two national policy adjustment, market cultivation and consumer habits, lithium-ion batteries in electric two rounds, tricycle new opportunities." The person added.
Most comprehensive plan to lithium electricity enterprise in the field, the electric two rounds, tricycle market layout mainly has three major causes:
1, is a vast market stable and prospects. Both domestic lead-acid replacement and exported abroad, two wheels, electric tricycle market shows strong growth potential, and the current electric two rounds, tricycle stable profits, maintained a cash spot 30 days or a month knot good collection performance.
2, is the trend of the environmental policy strictly, electric bicycle policy adjustment of wind. Whether charge lead-acid enterprise high green taxes, or early 2018 specifications such as the electric vehicle weight, battery made clear electric bicycle new gb, for the expansion of the domestic lithium electricity enterprise in the field competition provides a more comfortable environment.
3, preliminary shaping consumer end user training. Under the background of lithium battery prices in recent years, a single set of lithium battery price cut nearly 50% than ever before and at the same time the lithium battery portable performance, long service life and other advantages have been accepted by the consumers with a lithium battery electric two rounds, tricycle is turning into a domestic product, just need to second-tier cities in the market.
A domestic lithium electricity enterprise high-level stressed: "in fact, now the expensive of the lithium battery is embodied in material, but according to the laws of the market price changes, the future lithium electricity material price will eventually return to rational, this also for the lithium battery to provide space for further price adjustment and competitiveness promotion."
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