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Pandemic Outrage: Shifting the Landscape of 21st-Century Work

Dec 14, 2023   Pageview:276

Working is in human essence; from the ages, there have been some seismic shifts that completely changed the way we used to work. In the wake of the global pandemic, it caused a massive shift in the working class from top to bottom, from remote work to big industries. Each of them changed their procedures not only for the workforce but also to face the challenges that occurred due to the global pandemic.

The podcast where the orators talk about the most recent examples marks a very clear point about the shifting dynamics of the modern workplace and the imperative need for inventive job design that will enable a more endurable, fulfilling, and friendly working environment.

This blog refers to the theoretical underpinnings of academic concepts and challenges faced by HRs that will define the findings presented in the podcast.

Rule of Job Design in Crafting a Workplace Full of Harmony

Job design is an important aspect of entire working management. It strengthens the influence on the efficiency, satisfaction, and well-being of employees. It comprises structuring and organizing tasks, responsibilities, and interactions within the organization to achieve specific organizational objectives. Moreover, it considers individual skills and wants as well. The organization urges us to “make work better” by understanding and implementing effective job design, which becomes the “walk on the cake” to success.

Some of the key elements of job design are as follows:

Identification of Tasks and Their Variety:

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Sighting on the job characteristic model (JCM) given by Hackman and Oldham explains the importance of task identity, skills, and variety to improve and boost employee motivation and satisfaction. Jobs in organizations have a clear beginning, middle, and end (job identity) combined with different sets of tasks (task variety), which assists in a more engaging and fulfilling working experience.

The job characteristic model was used to deliver a much better environment of work using access to resources and skills. This model supports the ideas given in the podcast, where "good work"  is defined.

Variety of Skills and Task Significance:

Job characteristic The model and social information processing model here highlight skill variety and task significance. It portrays how to align with the social information processing model, which enables the employees to clearly grasp the meaning and satisfaction of the task. These attributes then utilize their skills, which work for larger and longer organizational goals.

Work doesn't have to be miserable if it is done with satisfaction, and that is only given by the very job design that we found during the pandemic and the most dramatic hours of the decade. 

Autonomy and Feedback:

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) here puts light on autonomy and how it is a psychological need. Incorporating autonomy and then swiftly providing feedback empowers employees, which is the treasure of a job design. This aligns with the JCM, which underscores the role of autonomy and feedback in gaining motivation and a fulfilling environment.

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As highlighted in the podcast, redefining work patterns was really the need of the hour. Autonomy was a fundamental psychological need, combining with the timely feedback that empowered the employees, which provided a sense of control and competence.

Job Rotation:

According to Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, motivators that contribute to job enrichment are identified as factors contributing to job satisfaction. Job rotation is a very important part of a new job design where the employees are given different tasks and responsibilities. Job enrichment involves the expansion of job roles to include higher-level tasks, aligned with Herzberg's principles.

The podcast explains the impact of job rotation and enrichment, which certainly goes with Herzberg's two-factor theory. The podcast's real-world example, where organizations adapt new work patterns during the pandemic, aligns with Herzberg's principles. As organizations strive to make work better, the theoretical support of Herzberg's theory provides a theoretical framework that has an impact on job rotation and enrichment on employee well-being and organizational success.

Flexible Working Environment:

This is probably the most important part where work becomes miserable if it is the opposite of a flexible working environment. The job demand control model given by Karasek describes employee control over their work. Flexible working environments are the demand of a modern facade of job design. It renovates with this modem and offers employees the authority to manage their work schedules and demands.

In the pandemic, flexible work arrangements were the pivotal aspect of job design. aligning seamlessly with the narrative of organizations adapting to new patterns during the pandemic. The measures suggested by Downing St., including staggered start times and limiting hot desks, reflect an effort to integrate flexibility into the work environment.

Challenges to HR Managers in the Pursuit of Better Work:

The podcast paints a pretty picture of the world of work all around the pandemic, where the rule of HR managers is crucial in every aspect. As organizations work towards “making work better,” HR faces significant challenges that require some navigation to alter it into success. Let's talk about these challenges at the beginning of the practical with theoretical concepts.

Implementation of Job Design:

Implantation is one of the most important job design strategies, but it is a challenge for HR managers to comprehend and accomplish that. A successful implementation of job design is not a piece of cake; HR managers have to be active to pursue their final objectives in the right direction.

Resistance to Change:

According to Lewin's change management model, the challenge of resistance to change echoes the unfreezing and refreezing phases. Employees are used to the existing job structure and don't want to change, which may result in resistance. It is a challenge for HR managers to undo that resistance and balance the need for change using personal skills and strategies to tackle resistance to a new job design.

Balancing Cost Efficiency and Employees Well-being:

The emphasis on cost efficiencies in lean production frequently conflicts with the objective of improving worker well-being. According to the Efficiency Wage Theory, offering compensation above the going rate can boost output and lower attrition. The long-term advantages of investing in employee satisfaction must be balanced with cost considerations, which is something HR managers must champion.

Implementation of Flexible Work Arrangements:

The trend toward flexible work schedules is consistent with Karasek's hypothesis, which holds that allowing workers to have autonomy over their jobs reduces stress. But putting such reforms into practice calls for resolving technology issues, defining precise policies, and creating a culture that prioritizes results above working hours.


The podcast Endured talks about the working class and how they are working in these critical situations where the entire job design has been shifted in a matter of time. Despite the 21st century, we are using the same models and theories in order to overcome the challenges during these tough times. Work doesn't have to be miserable. Job design is pivotal for shaping the future of the work.


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