22 Years' Battery Customization

Four big car companies that started with batteries

APR 02, 2019   Pageview:609

Two days ago, South Korea's Samsung Electronics Corporation announced the establishment of an automotive electronics division. When it comes to Samsung, the tech giant, the first thing that comes to mind must be Samsung phones, computers, televisions, digital audio and so on. Samsung, once the world's largest supplier of lithium batteries, is now the world's sixth-largest maker of electric car batteries, and the announcement of its car electronics division is a real step on the road. In addition to Samsung, the editor takes a look at the companies that started out as cars with batteries.




In the past two years, with the rise of the new energy car market, Samsung, as the world's sixth largest manufacturer of electric car batteries, has provided battery services for domestic and foreign car companies such as Volkswagen, Audi, Ferrari, BMW, Fiat, and Jianghuai. In October this year, Samsung SDI also built a battery factory in Xi'an.


And Samsung's newly announced "automotive electronics division", which focuses on vehicle infotainment and driverless, is moving into smart car technology to compete with companies such as Google, Apple and Tesla for jobs?


In fact, Samsung's attention to the automotive field is also a matter of whim. In fact, as early as 1994, Samsung established the "Samsung Automobile" company and began selling cars in 1998. Unfortunately, it encountered a financial crisis. By 2000, Renault had acquired 70 % of the shares. Now Renault's share has reached 80 %.


Since 2010, about two-thirds of Samsung's 1,804 patent applications to the U.S. authorities have been related to electric vehicles and in-vehicle electrical components. It also includes applications for new technologies for automotive parts. Patents include tires, motors, and vehicle-mounted electrical equipment that facilitate the sharing of information between vehicles and drivers. It can be used in electric vehicles in the future. It seems to be no surprise that Samsung is starting its auto division this time around.


In addition, in October, Samsung Electronics signed a new cooperation agreement with GM to supply 11 key components for its new electric car.




When it comes to batteries, the last thing you have to say is BYD. BYD, which started with batteries and later acquired car companies, is now focusing on the new energy market.


Speaking of BYD, what's your first reaction? BYD? Byd Don? This may be the first reaction of the average boss's surname, which shows that his new energy car brand has really reached the hearts of the people.


There may be many types of initial reactions as auto practitioners, including Wang Chuanfu, mobile phone batteries, new energy, ethnic enterprises, and BYD F6.


Looking at BYD cars running across the street, what many people don't know is that BYD started out as a battery-maker. The main industries include battery production and contract work for major electronics manufacturers. He has served as the world's largest rechargeable battery manufacturer for many years, and has shipped the world's largest number of nickel-cadmium batteries and mobile phone lithium batteries. The first generation of mobile phones (big brother) used the nickel-cadmium batteries provided by BYD. A few years ago, we used BYD batteries for Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Huawei, and ZTE.


It is rumored that Wang Chuanfu, the founder of BYD, who started with batteries, initially dreamed of making electric cars.


In 2003, Wang Chuanfu decided to enter the automotive industry, acquired Qinchuan Automobile, and officially entered the field of automotive manufacturing and sales.


In 2008, BYD integrated the upstream industrial chain of electric vehicles and owned the R&D and production capacity of electric vehicle drive motors.


In 2009, BYD obtained a permit for the production of passenger cars.


Now, the automobile business has occupied more than half of the country, and it is seen that the BYD Qin fire has spread all over the country, and it can be seen from the big cities in the first line to the small cities in the fourth and fifth lines.


BYD Automobile has currently exported more than 50 countries, BYD new energy minibuses to export to Europe, North America and Asia Pacific and other countries; BYD's new energy bus was also exported to London in October this year. The United States and South Korea are also planning to do so.


In addition to new energy vehicles, people's BYD gasoline vehicles are also exported to Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and other countries. In July, the Cuban government ordered 719 fuel trucks from BYD.




The main products of polyfluoride are fluoride salt and lithium hexafluorophosphate. In 2011, it began to get involved in the lithium battery market. In 2015, it was acquired into the manufacturing field of new energy vehicles. Some people said that it was simply the next BYD.


At the end of 2010, PFC established "PFC New Energy Technology Co., Ltd." to organize the core technologies related to electric vehicles such as battery systems, motors, and controllers, and began the development and production of the first batch of lithium-ion power batteries.


At present, the WeChat electric vehicles that are being sold on the market, such as Zhongtai Teido, Zhongtai Time and Space E20, and Geely Teido, are equipped with lithium batteries produced by polyfluoride.


In August of this year, Dofudo acquired the qualification of the entire vehicle production through the acquisition of Hebei Hongxing Automobile and officially entered the field of car building. Polyfluoride announced its own car building plan. At the end of 2015, three new energy models will be released, namely, Casa electric vehicles for the private market, vans for the logistics and transportation field, and micro-trucks for urban and rural areas.


Taking into account the limited production capacity, the Polyfluoride and Xingtai governments signed a cooperation agreement and plan to build a new car production base covering an area of 500 acres in Xingtai. The production capacity will reach 100,000 vehicles in 2018.


Starting with batteries, getting qualified for car production through acquisitions, and getting on track to build cars, is the second beat of BYD.


Wan Xiang


Wanxiang Group was founded in 1969. Its main business is auto parts industry. In 1999, it established an electric vehicle project team. In 2002, Zhejiang Wanxiang Power Battery Co., Ltd. was officially registered. In 2009, Wanxiang Lithium Ion Power Battery Production Base was officially established. Put into production; in 2013, Wanxiang Group acquired US A123 Systems. Wanxiang's current battery business is divided into three parts: start-stop batteries, energy storage batteries and power batteries, providing customers with solutions from batteries, modules to systems.


In 2014, Wanxiang acquired Fiske Motor Co., Ltd. In July of this year, Wanxiang cooperated with the largest automotive company in China, SAIC Group, to establish a joint venture company called SAIC Wanxiang New Energy Passenger Car Co., Ltd., which obtained the production of new energy passenger car licenses.


After a series of continuous mergers and acquisitions, Wanxiang opened a universal dream of building a car from a new energy bus. Recently, Karma Motor Co., a subsidiary of Wanxiang Group, announced that it has reached an important partnership with BMW. BMW will provide Karma Motors with the latest powertrain products, including engines, high-power battery charging systems and a host of other hybrid and pure electric vehicle components. Karma Motors will restart its flagship luxury hybrid car with BMW's parts in 2016, positioning Tesla higher, and the price may be more than $130,000.


It is sooner or later that Wan Xiang will have batteries, motors, and electric controls, and then obtain the qualifications for R&D and manufacturing of the entire vehicle.


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