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Focus: flexible battery new technology developed by dalian compound preparation

May 06, 2019   Pageview:564

The batteryInternal coating of the active material is the key to the battery work of conventional batteries since it has a fixed shape, between active material and the conductive substrate combination of relatively strong.However, when the battery flexibility, coated active substances are prone to fall off, will affect the normal use of the battery.In recent years, the concept of flexible wearable electronic devices and obtained fast development, could be prepared when bending, internal active substances don't fall off the battery is an urgent problem in the development of flexible equipment.

Recently, the Chinese academy of sciences dalian compound energy storage technology research reported by a new process for preparation of flexible batteries, they through electroless plating technology realizes the active material and conductive substrate firmly with directly, when battery arbitrary bending, active substances will not fall off, shows good flexibility, the battery can be used in the electronic equipment can be bent.Electroless plating technology is a kind of more mature surface coating technology, widely used in chemical industry,special, medical equipment and other fields, the technology has a uniform coating, composition is flexible, suitable for nonmetal substrate, etc.Traditional battery is active material with adhesive coating on the conductive base, the scientific research team change the coating method, through the electroless plating technology will metal film coating on the active material.The technology has the advantages of the preparation of low cost, easy to practical application, the flexible battery industrialization laid a solid foundation for the future.The above work, published in the journal of advanced functional materials.

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