23 Years' Battery Customization

Why study the failure mode of the power lithium battery system?

Jun 14, 2019   Pageview:573

Researchers and battery manufacturers need to improve the safety of lithium battery cells by continuously improving processes and technologies. BMS system manufacturers should fully understand the performance of batteries, and design safe and reliable battery systems based on the safety design principles of power batteries. Use is the ultimate barrier to battery safety.


Studying the failure mode of a power battery system is of great significance for improving battery life, safety and reliability of electric vehicles, and reducing the cost of using electric vehicles. Various failure modes are considered in the design of the power battery system to improve the safety of the power battery.


The power battery system usually consists of a battery cell, a battery management system, a Pack system containing functional components, a wire harness, and a structural component. The power battery system failure mode can be divided into three different levels of failure modes, namely, cell failure mode, battery management system failure mode, and Pack system integration failure mode.


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