Jun 18, 2019 Pageview:588
People always deal with batteries, so let's take a look at the new battery of the Atlantic County Utilities Authority.
First, it's a lithium-ion battery - long life and powerful - for a variety of rechargeable devices, including electric toothbrushes, cell phones, hybrids and plug-in cars. Familiar technology.
But consider the size of it. The largest lithium battery that most people have ever dealt with is the lithium battery in a laptop. The Atlantic City Sewage Treatment Plant has an ACUA battery capacity of 20,000 times and can store 1 million watts of electricity.
The marvellous size of this battery is its smallest miracle, as a harbinger of the coming green energy future.
Since the battery celebrated by government officials last month was connected to the grid this year, it has immediately adjusted to more or less demand from grid operators. This smoothes the power supply and is a valuable service to the grid, so the battery will give the ACUA facility a one-third discount on electricity.
This discount helps freely acquire and install $1 million in battery costs to ACUA customers and regional taxpayers.
Another $300,000 in cost comes from the state's clean energy program, which is the first time this financing has been used in battery storage systems.
The ACUA battery indicates that such a demonstration project is needed before the funds are in place. The details used in cooperation with the grid operator PJM Interconnection and Atlantic City Power Company took a long time, so that the original authorization had expired and a new authorization had to be arranged.
Such batteries are likely to be the next important component of clean energy, enabling non-emission energy production to reach its full potential.
ACUA President Rick Dovey said: "For all positive factors, renewable energy has a limitation - this energy is intermittent. "Wind and solar energy do not always generate electricity when you need it. You must use it or lose it. "
In the next few years, it is expected that there will be multiple private and public research projects to create batteries with twice the existing storage capacity, providing electric vehicles with the range they need and enabling green power systems to meet demand at any time.
The ACUA plant is an ideal location for battery projects with 7.5 MW of wind power and 500 kW of solar power.
The Atlantic County Public Utilities Authority has a history of environmental leadership.
Five wind turbines were installed in 2005, allowing millions of people in the east to see the potential of wind power and remain the only wind farm in New Jersey. It operates a range of low-emission work vehicles - hybrid, electric and compressed natural gas - and builds gas stations for them and the public. It used the first geothermal system in South Jersey to heat and cool the office of Egg Harbor Township.
With the formation of huge offshore wind farms and the possibility of larger battery systems, we will remember that their concepts have been tested early by this forward-looking public agency.
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