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AMD releases a new CPU to stir ,the PC market Intel face a Pressure Mountain

Jul 10, 2019   Pageview:530

AMD has been under pressure from Intel in the PC market. The PC market has become increasingly boring. Until last year, AMD released a new Zen-architecture processor. AMD began to usher in a new situation. Its market share is rising every quarter. In the American market, home to both companies, AMD is even more aggressive.

In the United States market, AMD's CPU has been greatly improved by the adoption of the new Zen architecture CPU performance released by AMD last year, which has increased by more than 40 % over the previous generation of CPUs. In addition, AMD has always insisted on high cost performance, AMD's CPU is greatly welcomed by US users. Some analysts even pointed out that AMD has occupied more than 40 % of the market share in the PC market in the United States, which is AMD's best performance in the past decade.

AMD's achievements have a lot to do with Intel's failure to make progress. In the past decade or so, Intel has strictly implemented its Tick-Tock plan, which is to launch new process technologies every two years, and then launch new microarchitectures every other year to continue to advance, which will make AMD, which has weaker capital, unable to withstand. Eventually it was forced to split the chip manufacturing business and sell it to Geluofangde, who was established today. However, in recent years, Intel has begun to lag behind other chip manufacturing companies in chip manufacturing processes.

Intel put into operation the 14nm FinFET process in 2014, Samsung put into operation the 14nm FinFET process in 2015, and TSMC put into operation the 16nm FinFET process in 2016, but then Samsung and TSMC gradually overtook Intel in the development of more advanced processes. Samsung and TSMC started production of the 10nm process last year and started production of the 7nm process this year, while Intel expects to start production of the 10nm process by the end of this year or early next year.

Of course, from the perspective of performance, parameters, etc., Intel's 14nmFinFET process is actually close to TSMC and Samsung's 10nm process, Intel's 10nm process is close to Samsung and TSMC's 7nm process, and the latter two play a digital game. However, it is undeniable that Intel is gradually lagging behind Samsung and TSMC in developing more advanced processes. It is expected that Samsung and TSMC will completely abandon Intel by the 5nm process.

In the case of the process R&D of the two major chip generation plants of Samsung and TSMC, which gradually shortened the gap with Intel, and even led Intel, AMD became one of the beneficiaries. The previous generation of Ruilong CPU used TSMC's 14nm FinFET process. It has greatly shortened the manufacturing process gap with Intel.

In the development of processor architecture, AMD's Zen architecture, which has been developed by AMD, is even more powerful and its performance has improved rapidly. In addition, the gap between Intel and Intel in manufacturing processes has been shortened, making its CPU performance even partially greater than Intel's CPU. Coupled with its price advantage, it has undoubtedly become popular with consumers and eventually won more than 40 % of the market share in the United States market.

At present, AMD's second-generation high-end CPU uses TSMC's 7nm process, and the low-end CPU uses TSMC's 12nm FinFET process, which is even ahead of Intel's CPU in chip manufacturing. After all, the most advanced technology used by Intel's CPU is still 14nmFinFET. It is said that the current release of the Ruilong II CPU performance has improved by 15 % compared to the Ruilong generation. This will allow AMD to have a stronger competitiveness and is expected to achieve more. Market share.

The boring PC market is once again receiving attention from the market under the agitation of AMD, and Intel's fierce attack on AMD seems to be a bit difficult to cope with this time, and the chip manufacturing process is gradually unable to keep up with the R&D progress of Samsung and TSMC. Its biggest weakness.

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