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Sum up world's leading solid-state battery development direction

Jul 03, 2019   Pageview:521

Sum up world's leading solid-state battery development direction

Solid-state batteries are different in production and processes from lithium-ion batteries, and their cost is much higher than liquid batteries. At present, all major enterprises at home and abroad are investing in solid-state battery technology with low investment and high energy density. The report is to show how overseas companies laid out:


BMW announced that it would work with battery technology company SolidPower to develop a new solid-state battery. BMW hopes that the new solid-state battery will take the performance of electric vehicles to a completely new level.

SolidPower previously announced a breakthrough in solid-state battery technology. The company mixes high-capacity lithium-metal anodes in lithium batteries and creates a new solid-state battery that weighs at the same weight. It is 2-3 times that of a traditional lithium battery.


Nissan and NEC's joint venture battery subsidiary Automotive EnergySupply (AESC) also sold to Jinshajiang Capital. AESC's investment ratio is 51% for Nissan, NEC, and NECEnergyDevice for 49%. At that time, Nissan will first acquire 49% of AESC from NEC, and then hold the AESC and then package it for sale to Jinshajiang Capital.

Takao Asami, vice president of research on advanced engineering at Nissan, said in an interview, "Roughly speaking, all solid-state batteries are still in the initial stage of research. My feeling is that it in the zero stage and will not deployed until the middle of 2020. ""

At present, Nissan and Honda are working together to develop an "all-solid battery" that can extend the distance traveled by electric vehicles and significantly shorten the charging time.


Technology giants such as South Korea's Samsung and Dyson have collectively invested $65 million in a small company, IonicMaterials. Unconfirmed investors include AllianceVentures, a venture capital firm operated by automakers Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi.

IonicMaterials founded by Silicon Valley legend Bill Joey. Bill ? Joey is betting on a solid-state alkaline battery. IonicMaterials founded in 1986 to focus on making a new polymer to replace the liquid electrolyte in today's lithium-ion batteries.

Inter-school microelectronics center

The Belgian Intercollegiate Microelectronics Center is the world's leading research and innovation center for nanoelectronics, energy and digital technology, and a partner of research institute EnergyVille.

According to the British Science News website reported on April 10, the Inter-School Microelectronics Center has developed an innovative solid-state lithium-ion battery that achieves an energy density of 200 watt-hours per liter in two hours of charging. The battery will surpass liquid lithium-ion batteries and reach a level of 1000 watt-hours per liter by 2024.


German auto parts giant Bosch announced that it has decided not to produce its own batteries. The reason is that the investment risk is too high, so it decided to abandon the production plan and even completely, strip the battery production related assets. Bosch decided to dissolve two lithium-ion battery technology joint ventures: lithium energy and PowerGmbH&Co.KG (LEAP), and sold its solid-state battery subsidiary Seeo, which it acquired in 2015.

Although the above decision made, Bosch still expressed optimistic about the prospects of solid-state batteries. "Technically, we have made great progress, and solid-state battery technology is the way forward," said Marcels Peelin, head of Bosch's electrification business.


Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will invest 1.6 billion yen in the lithium ion battery Materials Evaluation Research Center (LIBTEC), a technology research association related to lithium-ion batteries in Japan. The average driving distance of vehicles equipped with lithium-ion batteries is 400km, while the LIBTEC target will increase the cruising range to 550km by 2025 and further increase to 800km by 2030.

Toyota, Nissan, Honda and other companies and Panasonic, Asahi Kasei, GSYuasa and other companies will participate in the development of LIBTEC. Other materials and motor manufacturers will cooperate since May to develop high-efficiency products called "all-solid batteries".


The NanoBio Lab at the A*STAR Institute in Singapore and the Hydro-Québec Company in Canada signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to invest $20 million in a joint laboratory for solid-state battery research.

The lab, located in Biopolis, Singapore's Biomedical Research Center, aims to improve solid-state batteries and focus on improving battery efficiency and safety using innovative nanomaterials.


BMW's alliance startup SolidPower and investment IonicMaterials are planning to launch electric vehicles with solid-state batteries in 2026.


Toyota is working with IlikaTechnologies to develop solid-state batteries for automobiles, and planning to introduce solid-state battery electric vehicles in 2022.


Recently, Toyota announced that it plans to commercialize all-solid-state batteries in the early 1920s and introduce an electric model.

Continental Group

German auto parts supplier Continental Group CEO Elmar Degenhart said in an interview recently that Continental is also considering increasing investment in solid-state battery technology.

Recently, Dyson, who has just entered the electric vehicle market, also acquired the solid-state battery technology company Sakti3 for layout; Taiwan Shanghuieng Technology and China Weimar jointly built a 5GWh solid-state battery factory, which expected to be completed and into production in 2019; Hyundai laid out by independent research and development. Solid-state battery.

Summary: 1, France Bolloré, the United States Sakti3 and Japan Toyota represent technical development direction of three solid electrolytes of polymers, oxides and sulfides. Other companies are trying their best. 2. At present, major companies mainly adopt strategic investment; the way of alliance is to carry out the layout of solid-state batteries. 3. The emergency brakes of some existing enterprises need to maintain a rational pace when all parties are heading for solid-state batteries. 4. The environment of overseas markets is unpredictable, more and more Chinese companies are aim to outside market. In the quasi-international market, you can learn about the latest international market trends through the Munich Motor Show in Germany, the International Motor Show in Indonesia, Nuremberg, etc.

The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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