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How to activate a lithium battery

Jul 03, 2019   Pageview:657

1, Don't use high voltage to activate the lithium battery, because there are upper and lower voltage of protective plate. High voltage will blow out the protection board MOS tube. Lithium battery activation needs to across the electrodes of the charger directly across the electrodes of the battery charging. When the voltage rises to protection board referrals, protection board will work normally.

2, the lithium battery (Lithium battery) refers to the electrochemical system containing lithium (including metal lithium, lithium metal and lithium ion, lithium polymer) batteries. Lithium battery can be roughly divided into two categories: battery and lithium metal lithium ion batteries. Lithium batteries are usually not to charge, and containing lithium metal state. Lithium ion battery does not contain lithium metal state, and can be recharged.

3, the lithium battery is a kind of anode materials for lithium metal or lithium alloy, using nonaqueous electrolyte solution of a battery, and lithium ion battery and lithium ion rechargeable batteries polymer battery. It is not the same. The inventor of the lithium battery is Edison. Due to the lithium chemistry is very lively, making lithium metal processing, storage, use, very high demand on the environment. So, the lithium battery has not been applied for a long time. As the end of the twentieth century the development of microelectronics technology, increasing miniaturization of equipment, puts forward high demands on the power supply. Then enter the practical stage of large-scale lithium-ion batteries.

4, lithium battery is a kind of lithium metal or lithium alloy anode materials for batteries, the use of water electrolyte solution. First appear in the lithium battery using the following response: Li + MnO2 = LiMnO2, the reaction for the REDOX reaction and discharge.

5, square lithium ion battery is the most common type of lithium battery, its model is very much, MP3, MP4, mobile phone, model aircraft and other products are widely used.

Cannot use high voltage to activate the lithium battery, because it is the protection of the plate protection there are upper and lower voltage, high voltage will blow out the protection board MOS tube, the activation of lithium batteries need to be across the electrodes of the charger directly across the electrodes of the battery charging, when the voltage rise to logoff voltage protection plate, plate protection will be normal work, the normal charge.

Lithium battery is need to activate, but this is lithium battery factories to do, rather than the user to do.

Lithium ion battery before leaving the factory to go through the following process:

Infusion electrolyte lithium ion battery shell - into - the seal, is constant voltage charge, and then discharge, so for several cycles, the electrode fully infiltrates the electrolyte, fully activated, in so far, capacity requirements - this is the activation process capacity, is to test the capacity of the battery to select different performance (capacity) classifies the battery, to differentiate the level of the battery, the capacity matching, etc. So the lithium ion battery to users is the activation of. All of us the same is true of the nickel cadmium battery and nickel metal hydride batteries used to activate after the factory. Some cell activation process need battery is in open state, activate again after sealing, this process also can only have batteries manufacturers to complete.

New mobile phone need to phone the electricity consumed in the first, and then to charge, and need to repeatedly for three to four times can, known as the so-called activation. It can be to do so before, but now mobile phone is lithium battery, don't need to activate.

New cell phone battery first use does not need to charge for 12 hours, but the best for 3 ~ 5 hours completely filling process, all is the normal charge to 100%, when all is low battery cell phone use to remind.

Because the battery passes through filling the electrolyte, and before they go out into, charge and discharge, capacity, process, make the battery is active, but should pass less with more than a month after a year's time to get to the hands of users, because of the influence of battery self-discharge battery materials in passivation, through full charge and discharge at this moment, can let the battery activation.

This "the first three time charge to charge more than 12 hours", is for rechargeable batteries in the 1990 s, has the kind of nickel cadmium battery memory effect at the time, need full to ensure that the battery capacity. Mobile phone use lithium ion battery, it has no memory effect, generally 2-3 hours can be full of, full of is enough.

If the new battery charge and discharge previous three really can reach 12 hours or more, it caused great damage, the battery may cause the battery to bulge, and even burn. In the mobile phone and the charger has a protection circuit, is charged to 100% power automatically, plug in the charger will not continue to charge.

At this time, however, will remove the charger as well, in case the charger make a battery overcharge protection circuit one thousand problems, cause serious damage to the battery materials, affect capacity and life of the battery. Usually, the introduction of charging method, on the phone's manual standard charging method is suitable for the mobile phone.

The correct way of using the cell phone lithium battery

Avoid discharge transition, try not to use in power less than 20% of the mobile phone, especially not below 5% electricity use of mobile phones, will cause irreversible damage to the battery.

Avoid moving charge, a pass to charge cell phone lithium battery caused great harm, but the smart mobile phone would include circuit protection, after a full charge will no longer to continue to recharge the battery.

Lithium battery power is the most ideal state and then there were 40% of the time, when the battery voltage is not too high nor too low, the higher the power, the faster the recession put a month, 100% of the battery and put a month, 50% of the battery capacity of the former recession. Don't put battery power for a long time to maintain at 100%, to a certain extent, that may affect the service life of batteries.

Avoid to use under high temperature or low temperature, under high temperature and low temperature charging of mobile phone lithium battery caused great damage, high temperature may cause battery explosion, and the low temperature will also bring great influence to the battery life.

Prevent your cell phone battery without electricity state for a long time, how long the battery is in a state without electricity is likely that your phone is unable to boot.

Use original mobile phone charger, check the service life of the battery and shelf life, replace the battery in time.

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