22 Years' Battery Customization

5 companies entered the first batch of "new energy vehicles waste power battery comprehensive utilization industry standard conditions" list

Jul 08, 2019   Pageview:676

Following the July 7th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology and other seven ministries jointly issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Pilot Work of Recycling and Utilization of New Energy Vehicles' Power Battery". On July 27, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "National Energy Vehicle Waste Power Battery Comprehensive Utilization Industry Specification". The list of conditions (the first batch) began to solicit opinions.


The first batch of companies in the list include Zhangzhou Huayou Cobalt New Materials Co., Ltd., Zhangzhou Haopeng Technology Co., Ltd., Jingmen GEM New Materials Co., Ltd., Hunan Bangpu Cycle Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Guanghua Technology Co., Ltd.


The "Notice" stated that all regions should promote the construction of recycling systems, promote the implementation of the producer responsibility extension system, establish recycling service outlets, give full play to the advantages of existing after-sales service channels, and recycle and dismantle battery production and scrapped vehicles. Comprehensively use enterprise cooperation to build a regional recycling system. Do a good job in the disclosure of power battery recycling and utilization, and take measures such as repurchase and trade-in to promote the recovery of power batteries.


In addition, the "Notice" pointed out that each pilot area should establish a linkage mechanism with the surrounding areas to crack the bottlenecks that affect and constrain the collaborative development.


In fact, power battery recycling is an urgent task. As of the end of June this year, the number of domestic new energy vehicles has reached 1.99 million. Industry experts comprehensively calculate the company's warranty period, battery cycle life, vehicle use conditions, etc. In 2018, the new energy vehicle power battery will enter the scale of decommissioning period, and it is estimated that by 2022, it will exceed 400,000 tons, and the power battery decommissioning year the compound growth rate will exceed 70%. It is expected that in the next three years, the lithium battery recycling market will show a rapid growth trend. By 2020, the market size is expected to exceed 15.6 billion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of 41%.


Editor's comment: Two consecutive policies on the recycling of power batteries were issued within three days, and the list of the first batch of qualified enterprises was launched, which shows that the state attaches importance to the battery recycling of the last ring in the new energy automobile industry, and guides the formation of the industry from the policy. The power battery ladder utilization and recycling closed loop will help solve the worries of the development of the industry, and the first batch of Huayou Cobalt New Materials, Hao Peng Technology, GEM New Materials, Bangpu Cycle Technology, Guanghua Technology and other five companies will be established first advantage.


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