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Volkswagen announced an order for $64 billion worth of lithium batteries.

Jul 09, 2019   Pageview:691

According to Australian media reports recently, Volkswagen announced that it has ordered lithium batteries worth 64 billion U.S. dollars(405.5 billion yuan), and the total investment has doubled for its brand's newly developed electric vehicle series, thereby reducing the negative impact of the diesel door incident.

The company plans to sell 3 million pure electric vehicles a year by 2025, and the company's Audi brand plans to sell 800,000 electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles annually by that date, VW's newly appointed Ceodisi announced at the group's annual meeting. Now, several brands under the Volkswagen Kingdom have started producing electric vehicles. Like Audi, which will launch its new e-tron electric car by the end of August, Porsche will be competing with Tesla's model when it launches its missinge all-electric sedan.

Although electric vehicles now occupy a very small market share, but their prospects are unlimited. Because European buyers have long been disheartened by diesel-powered vehicles, and to mitigate the global climate change crisis and improve air quality, European governments and China are committed to developing electric vehicles, and have introduced a series of preferential policies to encourage consumers to buy them.

In order to expand the market, Volkswagen will also launch the ID pure electric vehicle series. The first model will be the golf class pure electric hatchback that will come out in 2020.

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