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Zhouhongyi said: "I can hijack when Tesla comes out with a driverless car."

Jul 11, 2019   Pageview:622

At the second World Smart Conference, Zhouhongyi first stated that he is very much looking forward to driverless cars. The country also has plans. In 2020, the proportion of new smart cars will reach 50 %, and Level 3 level driverless can account for 10 %.

Then Zhouhongyi began to pour cold water. He believes that there can be no real era of smart cars without safety. In the previous era, cars were "four-wheeled sofas." Today, there are four wheels carrying a pile of computers and a pile of mobile phones. Whether it is Tesla or other smart cars, the network can be controlled by a mobile phone, because to stay connected to the server, it must be hijacked.

Zhouhongyi also claimed that the 360 research team could do a simulated hijacking at the fastest speed for each Tesla car, and the 360 team was also selected to the Tesla Security Hall of Fame three times.

However, Zhouhongyi stressed that there was no idea of harming everyone because people who were Shields had to study spears first.

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