Jul 19, 2019 Pageview:816
Although I do battery research and development, but, for the correct use of a little doubt. There are several main considerations: about the discharge battery is a specific discharge rate, like the power battery will indicate the discharge current, in the rated current discharge, is completely able to achieve hundreds of thousands of cycles. However, if the non-rated current is used, the battery life will be greatly affected, whether the current increases or decreases. Of course, the impact of the current decrease on the battery life will be small or even none. For 3C battery, do not know very much, please do not check the seat. On the charge topic said fast charge and over charge and explosion of the problem, for the cylindrical battery, is indeed!! Quick charge + overcharge will increase the probability of explosion, the battery will protect itself soon, then it will overheat, then it will boom, which is quite common. However, if it is a small current + overcharge, the possibility of explosion will be reduced a lot. If the battery safety performance is good, even the probability of no explosion may occur. Both overcharge and high current are necessary for battery life, which means that both overcharge and high current charge will greatly reduce the battery life. I'm really sorry that the cylinder I touched is mainly a power battery. There is no possibility of using it while charging, so I have never touched it at all.
Use your cell phone as little as possible before you charge it. 2. Do not use quick charge when you are not in a hurry, which will reduce the battery life. 3. Try to use the original charger and cable, some chargers of different machines will not charge or very slow. Play fewer big games, or take a break and give your phone a break. 5. In short, patience is always better for battery life, but the game experience is still more important than a battery. (the battery industry needs your help)
First of all, overcharging and overdischarge definitely have an impact on battery life! Batteries have charge and discharge rate, beyond the set rate certainly hurt the battery! There is also a problem of cycle times. The ternary lithium battery is generally around 300 times, but if it is lightly charged and discharged, its life may be extended several times or more. For example, if 90% of the battery is used and 60% is directly filled, it will not be counted as a cycle. So the battery life is ultimately determined, but even after 300 slow refills, the battery capacity is still rated at 70-80%. Lithium battery characteristics than nickel-chromium-lead-acid what battery is good at no memory effect!
Note three points for the use of lithium ion batteries:
How to charge a new battery
Should be paid attention to in using lithium battery, the battery is placed after a period of time to enter a dormant state, capacity is lower than normal at this time, use time is shortened accordingly. But the lithium battery is easy to activate, if after 3-5 times the normal charge and discharge cycle can activate cells, back to normal capacity. Due to the characteristics of lithium battery itself determines its almost no memory effect. So the user mobile phone in new lithium battery in the process of activation, is don't need special methods and equipment. From the start with a standard method of charging this way of "natural activation" is the best.
As for the "activation" problem of lithium battery, many people say: Charging time must be more than 12 hours, if you do this three times, in order to activate the battery. This "in the first three time charge to charge more than 12 hours", apparently from nickel battery, such as nickel cadmium and nickel metal hydride) continue down. So that, say the outset misinformation. Charge and discharge characteristics of lithium-ion and nickel batteries have very big difference, and can be very clear tell you, I have looked at all serious formal technical data will emphasize overcharge and over discharge of lithium batteries, especially liquid lithium ion battery caused great damage. So charging according to the standard time and standard best way, In particular, do not charge for longer than 12 hours. Generally, the charging method described in the manual of the mobile phone is the standard charging method suitable for the mobile phone.
In addition, the lithium battery cell phone or the charger will automatically stop after the battery is full of, there is no nickel electric charger of the so-called "trickle charging for 10 hours. That is to say, if your lithium battery, after full on the charger is Bai Chong. But none of us there is no guarantee that the battery charge and discharge protection circuit will never change and quality according to the features of foolproof, so your battery will be on the brink of danger for a long time. That is another reason to object to a longer charge.
Charge in addition on the phone for some, after more than a certain amount of time, if you don't go to remove the charger, the system does not stop charging, will also begin to discharge - charging cycles. Perhaps this vendor has its purpose, but it is clear for the battery and the lifetime of the cell phone/charger. At the same time, the charging takes a long time, often need to be done in the night, and to power grid in China, many places are relatively high voltage in the night, and volatile. Having said that, in front of the lithium battery is very delicate, it is better than nickel electric resistance to fluctuation in charge and discharge ability is worse, and the additional danger again.
In addition, another aspect that cannot be ignored is that lithium battery is also not suitable for over discharge, over discharge on lithium battery is also very bad.
2. When should I start charging in normal use
Under normal circumstances, you should have the reservation according to the principle that battery remaining charge runs out to charge again, but if your battery is in you predict the 2nd day cannot hold to whole daytime when, should begin to charge in time, of course if you are willing to carry charger to the office, should forget again.
And when you need to recharge in anticipation of an important event that will result in busy communications, even if the battery has a lot of power left, you just charge it in advance, because you're not really losing "1" charge cycle life, which is "0.x" times, and often that "x" is small.
Battery remaining power used up to the principle of charging is not want you to go to extremes. And long charging as widespread as a saying that is "as far as possible put the cell phone battery power run out, had better use automatic shutdown". It's really just the practice of nickel batteries, purpose is to avoid the memory effect, unfortunately it is spread on the lithium battery today. Once someone because the cell phone battery low warning, without a charge to continue using automatic shutdown example has been used. The results of the example in the mobile phone in the later charging and boot no reaction, I have to send it to the customer service for maintenance. This is actually caused by the low voltage of the battery due to excessive discharge, so that it does not have the normal conditions for charging and starting up.
The right thing to do with a lithium-ion cell phone
To sum up, the most important tips for charging and discharging problems in the use of lithium cell phones are as follows:
1. Charge according to standard time and procedure, even the first three times;
2, when the phone power is too low, should try to timely start charging;
If you insist on using the popular "first three 12-hour long charging and activating" method, it will not work in fact.
So all the attempts to charge your phone for 12 hours at a time and turn it off automatically with a lithium battery are wrong.
In mobile phone and charger itself, of course, under the condition of good quality protection and control circuit, the protection of lithium battery or is there a guarantee. So the understanding of the charging rules is the key, in some cases, also can make some concession. For example, if you found that cell phones have to charge before you sleep at night, you can also start charging before the problem is that you should know what is the right thing to do, and do not deliberately according to error.
In the use of lithium battery should be noted that the battery after a period of time will enter the dormant state, at this time the capacity is lower than the normal value, the use time will also be shortened. But lithium battery is very easy to activate, as long as after 3-5 normal charge and discharge cycle can activate the battery, restore the normal capacity. Due to the characteristics of lithium battery itself, it has almost no memory effect. Therefore, the new lithium battery in the user's mobile phone does not need special methods and equipment during the activation process. Not only in theory, but in my own practice, the "natural activation" approach of standard charging from the beginning is the best. For the lithium battery "activation" problem, many people say: charging time must be more than 12 hours, repeated three times, in order to activate the battery. This "first three charges to charge more than 12 hours" is obviously a continuation of the nickel battery (such as nickel cadmium and nickel hydrogen) claims. So this kind of saying, can say to be misrepresented namely at the beginning. The charge and discharge characteristics of lithium battery and nickel battery are very different, and it can be very clear to tell you that all the serious and formal technical data I have looked up emphasize that overcharge and overdischarge will cause great harm to lithium battery, especially liquid lithium ion battery. Therefore, it is best to charge according to standard time and standard method, especially do not charge more than 12 hours. Usually, the charging method described in the manual of the mobile phone is the standard charging method suitable for the mobile phone.
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