Jul 26, 2019 Pageview:627
Scientists at the university of Illinois (University of Illinois) believe that they obtained a breakthrough by accident, may contribute to developing a finally lithium ion batteries, this kind of battery like some parts of the body, can actually damage repair itself.
Researchers to take steps to a deeper understanding of the rechargeable lithium ion battery, the battery for some everyday items, such as mobile phones, laptops and digital cameras, they found that these batteries tend to degenerate, with the passage of time will be like this.
Scott? White (Scott White) is the university of Illinois materials engineer, he said: "there are many different types of degradation happens, can help us to repair this degradation preparation more lasting battery." White says, anode of lithium ion battery charging when inflation, discharge cycle will shrink, eventually the anode cracks, and after a period of time, will cause the battery failure.
After extensive testing, scientists at the university of Illinois found that tiny self-healing type polymer, implantation of graphite anode, tear and release the indium gallium arsenide (indiumgalliumarsenide), the compound is a liquid metal alloy, in this way, the micro cracks in the anode can be filled, to restore the current, thus to repair the lithium ion battery, and is likely to extend its service life.
Damage to the battery, or there will be a short circuit occurred between components, this might be an accident, and not just shorten service life. Lose control of the current we already know will form the hot spots, and cause a fire.
"This is not a common phenomenon, but when it happens, the consequences are serious," white said. Fire has prompted a laptop recalled batteries, dell and HP have happened, the U.S. department of transportation put forward the more strict rules, to standardize the cargo plane transport large quantities of lithium ion battery.
In order to prevent this type of failure developed the second type of tiny white ball, preparation is the solid PE (polyethylene), this is a cheap and widespread use of plastic. A small amount of the embedded micro ball anode and other battery components, function can be as a kind of safety switch. If the temperature inside the battery to rise, more than 105 ° C, the tiny ball will melt, into a thin layer of insulating material, cut off the current, prevent fire.
"We have tested this, use the actual battery," white said, his research is funded by the U.S. department of energy. "The effect is very good." He said, the security features are beneficial to the emerging electric cars on the market.
"Lithium ion battery will continue to be a practical technology, in the next 10 to 15 years will be used for electric vehicles," Christine? Mr. Persson (Kristin Persson), said he was California's Lawrence Berkeley national laboratory (California) (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), he is looking for a new battery materials, not only has better energy storage, but also can avoid some defects of conventional batteries. He said: "at least need so long time to develop new materials."
For a long time, the development of mobile phone battery technology has lagged behind the mobile technology. Smartphone has reached the advanced level, surprising and the battery is relatively old. As scientists at the university of Illinois developed a super micro battery, this became the past behind. This kind of micro battery power lithium battery time needed for 1000 times, in theory, charging less than a second.
Researchers from the university of Illinois of the new type of micro battery power is current lithium electricity1000 times, at the pool for the future development of charging time less than a second paved the way for smartphones. Study leader William king said: "this is a new kind of battery, will change people's perception of the battery. The output power of the battery more than anyone imagined. In recent decades, the size of electronic components is more and more small, computer thinking with components is becoming smaller and smaller. The battery technology has been left behind. Micro technology will change everything. Advanced degree using micro technology batteries will par with other components."
For a long time, the user has to choose between the power and power. For large power electric equipment, such as long-distance transmitting radio signals, although capacitor can be quickly discharged, but only a small amount of electricity; To need a lot of power electrical equipment, such as long time broadcast radio, fuel cell and other cell while able to accommodate a lot of power, but it takes a long time to recharge.
Study lead author, graduate student at the University of Illinois, James PiKu, said: "we always have to make sacrifices. If you want to get more power, you will not be able to obtain higher power; If you want to get a higher power, it is difficult to obtain more electricity. For some very interesting electrical appliances, especially modern appliances, you need to do both. This is my door starting point in the development of the new type of battery. We make electricity storage design is previously did not have."
New micro cell structure is different from traditional battery, can achieve high power and high power have both, "he said. The researchers adjust the structure of the battery, to achieve a better balance between power and power. Scientists say the new micro battery performance due to internal three-dimensional microstructures. Like all cells, new micro cell has two basic components, namely, anode and cathode.
New micro cell by Paul Braun, a professor at the University of Illinois design a new type of fast charging cathode. Gold and PiKu developed and at the same time of the anode and a micro scales will both together, make the last of the battery with high performance. For high power electric equipment, the battery can let sensors or radio signals effectively working distance reach after 30 times, 30 times smaller.
A new micro battery charging speed is 1000 times the other battery technologies. In theory, the thickness of a credit card phone charging time needed for less than a second. In addition to consumer electronic equipment, medical equipment, lasers, sensors and other electrical equipment can realize the leap because the battery technology. King said: "for a long time, all electrical equipment is subject to restrictions on the size of the battery. Imagine personal medical devices and implants -- currently used batteries are big - used tiny electronic components and power lines. Now, the size of the battery can also become very small."
Now, researchers are trying to new batteries and other electronic components together, at the same time, reduce the production cost. PiKu, said: "we can now jump out of the box thinking. This is a new kind of technology, instead of after technical improvement. It broke the normal power supply mode, allow us to design new equipment."
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