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The electric bicycle is limited to speed of 25km/h and have an 11-month transition period

Jul 02, 2019   Pageview:1102

The electric bicycle is limited to speed of 25km/h and have an 11-month transition period

Must have pedal riding ability

In recent years, electric bicycles have become larger, heavier and faster. At present, the actual speed of some electric bicycles exceeds 40km/h, and the weight of the whole vehicle exceeds 70kg. The performance of these products is close to or reaches the electric moped, which poses a safety hazard.

In order to meet basic travel needs of electric bicycle users and reduce interference, normal traffic order of other vehicles and pedestrians. the new standard adheres to the non-motor vehicle attribute of electric bicycles, which stipulates that electric bicycles must have pedal riding ability, and the maximum design speed should not exceed 25km. /h, the vehicle quality (including battery) does not exceed 55kg, the motor power does not exceed 400W, and the battery nominal voltage does not exceed 48V.

Set a 11 month transition period

In addition, "Technical Specifications" also supplements and perfects the requirements for fire protection, flame retardant, charger protection, etc. of electric bicycles. and reduces the risk of fire accidents in electric bicycles.to ensure that the fire spread speed of vehicles can delayed after fire, and escape for personnel And the external rescue to gain more precious time, to minimize personal injury and property damage.

The Code will officially implemented on April 15, 2019. The transition period is from May 15, 2018 to April 14, 2019. During the transition period, manufacturers are encouraged to organize production in accordance with the Code, encourage sales companies to sell products that comply with the Code, and encourage consumers to purchase products that comply with the Code. After the "Code" formally implemented, products that do not meet the standards may not produce, sold or imported.

Dispelling doubts

How to crack the takeaway express over the standard car rampage?

At present, the delivery of courier express vehicles exceeds the standard, and the industry said that it would managed in the future.

The new national standard for electric bicycles is set at 55kg for the whole vehicle quality (including battery). "Electric bicycles have become the main tools in the express delivery and take-out industries." An industry insider who did not want to name said that due to the expansion of the city scope, Over-standard vehicles have been rampant for a period, and the speed has already exceeded the current standard, even higher than the new standard. From a global perspective, electric bikes have a top speed of 25 to 30 kilometers per hour, and this upgrade is in line with international standards.

Manufacturers to meet the weight or choose a lithium battery

The reporter noted that for many takeaway riders and couriers, the large battery capacity and fast driving speed are important basis for them to select electric vehicles.

Li Feng (pseudonym) is a takeaway rider. He told reporters that the most feared thing in the take-away industry is overtime. It must be "time race". "In order to grab the order and grab the time, everyone will add a battery to the electric car."

In response to the "complete vehicle quality (with battery) does not exceed 55kg" rule, an electric bicycle industry expert said that some companies may use lithium batteries in order to meet the weight ceiling requirements, but the safety status of lithium batteries is not optimistic. However, for most companies, lithium battery electric bicycle production does not have sufficient production experience.

"Because of the light weight of lithium batteries, only lithium-ion electric bicycles can meet the requirements of the new national standard." According to this expert, although lithium batteries have the advantage of lightweight, due to technical reasons, the failure rate of lithium batteries is still relatively high. It cannot load a large current, and it is easy to explode when it is impacted.

Riding electric motorcycles should first obtain qualifications

Ni Jie, chair of Luyuan Electric Vehicle, believes that the introduction of the new national standard has clearly defined the compliance of electric bicycles and super-standard vehicles, and is conducive to the unified supervision of the electric bicycle industry.

"The one that meets the new national standard is one class, and the one that exceeds the standard is classified as electric moped management." He said that in the future, electric bicycles would classified into three categories: electric bicycles, light electric motorcycles and electric motorcycles. Class.

"As a company, we will definitely abide by the requirements of the new national standard, which is also the responsibility of the company." However, Ni Jie believes that electric bicycles should managed hierarchically according to the needs of users. For the average consumer, electric bicycles are just their daily life. The need for travel, so this part of the product must strictly comply with the weight and speed regulations of the new national standard; and for special industries such as take-out, express delivery, etc., it should also meet its reasonable demands, allowing enterprises to produce and sell light electric motorcycles or electric motorcycles. Cars, for special industry practitioners with cycling needs, must be required to have the appropriate qualifications for riding electric motorcycles.

The cost of the whole vehicle will increase under the new national standard

In addition, the reporter noted that the new national standard for electric bicycles is a mandatory standard for full text. In other words, the content specified in the future will become the veto standard for the production, sales and use of electric bicycles.

A person in charge of an electric bicycle manufacturer told reporters that the previous national standard was not mandatory, although speed, vehicle quality, battery power, etc. all have standards, but they are recommended standards. Only three or more (including three) do not meet the requirements. The regulations not allowed leaving the factory non-compliant products. "Compulsory standards have a greater impact on production companies, especially the current regulations, which may significantly increase the cost of the entire vehicle." The person in charge said.


The current standard has revised due to major differences and has not completed.

In recent years, electric bicycle fires in China have been frequent and growing year by year, resulting in a large number of casualties. The accident revealed outstanding problems in the production standards, product quality, parking and charging of electric vehicles.

The current standard has implemented for nearly 20 years

The "Specifications" issued yesterday have been receiving much attention from the industry. In January of this year, the four ministries and commissions jointly announced the approval of the "Regulations". Prior to this, China's standards for electric bicycles have implemented for nearly 20 years.

On May 28, 1999, the first national standard for electric bicycles released and implemented. The national standard starting with "GB" regarded by the industry as establishing the legal status of electric bicycles. The standard stipulates that electric bicycles should not exceed 20 km/h and weigh no more than 40 kg. However, a few years later, most of the electric bicycle products on the market have exceeded the speed limit and weight limit required by national standards, and it is almost impossible to find the "national standard vehicle".

Zhang Zhuting, a professor at the Cadre Management Institute of the Ministry of Transport, told the Beijing News that electric bicycles caused frequent fire accidents. The overall reason was that electric bicycles did not meet the standards, including battery failure, electric vehicle weight, profile size, speed, etc. If it is unqualified, it may cause fire if the dry matter is dry and the user parks it in the presence of inflammable or explosive materials.

New national standard solicited opinions in January this year

In January of this year, the National Standards Committee had solicited opinions on the technical specifications for electric bicycle safety. According to the public notice, with the development of society and the upgrading of electric bicycle products, the national standards for "General Technical Conditions for Electric Bicycles" released in 1999 gradually exposed some problems. For example, some important technical indicators not vetoed, and the maximum speed has not proposed to prevent tampering. Requirements, some indicators related to mechanical safety, electrical safety, and fire safety not reflected in the standard, etc., bringing potential safety hazards to consumers and other transportation participants.

In fact, in the past 20 years, the revision of the standard has not carried out. For example, from October 2002 to 2005, the National Bicycle Standards Committee initiated the first revision of the national standard for electric bicycles. However, due to the large differences in the terms of vehicle quality, maximum speed, and ankle installation, Complete the revision.

We notice the day before this introduction of new national standard published, State Council's Security Committee issued a notice that regulations of electric bicycles need to improve. Among them, it mentioned it is necessary to speed up implementation of new national standard "Electric Bicycle Safety Technology Specification". In addition, it is necessary to study and formulate planning and construction standards for electric bicycle parking places; implement national policy of discouraging development of shared electric bicycles, and urge the sharing of bicycle companies to clean and recycle shared electric bicycles within a time limit.

The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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