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The arrival of the new material: Huawei's field of graphene

Jul 05, 2019   Pageview:496

Morning of October 23, Huawei announced in the UK and the application of graphene, collaborators at the university of Manchester to jointly develop the next generation of high technology in the field of ICT. The project cooperation beginning for two years, the research how to breakthrough in the field of graphene in consumer electronics and mobile communication devices.


Graphene is only one atom thick, is the world's most thin, conductive performance is the strongest material, was the industry as a material in the field of subversives. A lot of people for the first time heard it from Huawei's founder, Ren Zhengfei, a media interview. Ren said, the next 10 to 20 years there is a technology revolution, this time the most subversive event in the future, is replaced silicon age graphene. In the latest release in 2014 for the annual report, Huawei in industry trends outlook of link mentioned once again emphasizes the value of the graphene in the field of materials.


Why so bullish on graphene, Ren zhengfei, the explanation is that the chip is now the limit width, the limit of the silicon is seven nanometers, already near the border, and graphene have begun to reach the frontier technology revolution.


Such as the chip area. As early as in 2011, IBM's Watson research center, the scientists said in the journal Science dispatch, they successfully developed the first integrated circuit made of graphene wafers, this outcome was to global one of the top ten Science news in 2011, it marked the graphene in the application of computer chips is a huge step forward. The reason is that made of this kind of integrated circuit chips can improve the signal of mobile phones and wireless transceiver, may phone can work where is generally thought that cannot receive signals.


Again for instance the battery field, at present, electric vehicles represented by tesla are expanding the demand for lithium batteries in the market. However, the long charging time of electric vehicles is still a problem that cannot be solved. In the intelligent electronic equipment industry, a large number of lithium batteries are also needed in smart phones, cameras, game consoles and other fields. In this case, graphene can be used as a new type of lithium battery cathode material to solve the problem of battery life. According to the scientists, graphene has a very high specific surface area, so the chemical reaction rate and material utilization rate are higher. At the same time, graphene is more conducive to the diffusion and transmission of lithium ions due to its good electrical and thermal conductivity.


Because of the special physical and chemical properties, graphene can even in photovoltaic (pv),special, military industry, the application of the traditional industries and emerging industries such as display in the work.


At present, the university of Manchester in the national institute of graphene is a leading graphene research and commercial institutions, more than 40 enterprises cooperating with 235 researchers at the university of Manchester is two-dimensional graphene and related materials. The British national engineering and physical sciences research council and the European regional development funds paid 38 million pounds and 23 million pounds respectively established Manchester university's national institute of graphene.


Directors, senior vice President of Huawei lliillyy fang said: "the UK has a strong basic research in gene science and technology, Huawei would be glad to jointly with the University of Manchester in HIRP (Huawei innovation research program) flagship projects, developing a number of cutting-edge technology. University of Manchester is a stronghold of graphene research, has the advanced technology and equipment, our cooperation in the field of graphene, information and communications industry for the future development, build a better world all connection, providing vital fundamental support."


Is the chancellor of the exchequer George? Mr Osborne has said: "as the British government for graphene part of r&d investment of 90 million pounds, earlier this year, I am very honored to Manchester university's national institute of graphene was unveiled. Today Huawei and the cooperation of the institute, is to the UK in the recognition of graphene science and technology leading, for science and innovation in an important role in the construction of the northern power provides a model."


Is director of the national institute of graphene James Manchester University? baker said: "through cooperation with global leading technology companies such as Huawei, we are expected to apply the research results of graphene in everyday products. This partnership will greatly promote the development of British business and attract foreign investment. We are looking forward to cooperate with Huawei to develop consumer electronics and mobile communication equipment of the new material."


But industry experts point out that, from a historical perspective graphene also however 10 years or so since its birth. Graphene in 2004 scientific research is still in its infancy, and graphene inventor won the Nobel Prize in 2010, after the foundation of all relevant graphene research work is underway. And the development of the industry application must depends on mass production of graphene, "first financial daily" reporters noticed that at present the production of graphene basic level is still in the experimental study, not mass production used for commercial purposes.


The inside reason has two aspects, on the one hand, has not yet found in technology for large single crystal industrial synthesis of graphene and graphene downstream industry chain in the market on the other hand, has not been formed the current patent layout is still in the early period, the greatest demand for graphene is only major scientific research institutes and laboratories, and no large quantities of graphene into industrialization.


Unable to mass production, the cost of graphene preparation has been high. The graphene prices as high as 5000 yuan/grams, is more precious than gold more than a dozen times. "The bottle of trivial things is more precious than gold, and a few grams of graphene powder is worth hundreds of thousands of RMB, we are separated by plane carrying a few people, was afraid of was confiscated by security." A graphene study start-up once so described.


Silence "to break the industry may also need to see the giant." In ren's view, in the era of graphene, edge opportunity or silicon leading company of The Times. "Can't completely out of thin air out of a small company, and then led the pulse of The Times, and graphene this new technology in the development of the world is not small company can do it." Ren said.


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