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How many kilometers can a new energy car drive with full charge?

Jul 01, 2019   Pageview:639

Environmental protection of new energy vehicle is more and more important in recent years. In the process of purchasing new energy vehicles, the most priority conditions are "distance" and "including subsidy" sales price, but recently, they turn into convenience, safety and design.

1, new energy automobile fuel efficiency

Buy new energy vehicles, who was the first to consider is "1 KWH" how many kilometres can achieve fuel efficiency. Arguably, it is the "readiness" income tax breaks, cheap car tax, pay subsidies, even if not worthwhile to itself of the electric car fuel efficiency is very high, so the five years, the total cost comparison results show that ordinary cars and obvious gap can know.

Recently, especially, to develop new energy automobile enterprise to design the KWH of power at least can travel 200 km above target, so the fuel efficiency of new energy vehicles in the future will be more attractive. Rather than using the motor efficiency and excellent battery, more let a person look forward to have better and efficient new energy vehicles in the future.

2, new energy car prices

Is generally believed that the new energy cars more expensive than cars. Because, compared with the internal combustion engine vehicles at the same level, his highest price is in 100000 yuan to 1 million yuan. But it is well known that in terms of new energy vehicles can get the relevant departments of the subsidies and tax breaks, so buy new energy vehicles or it's a good deal.

3, a new energy car charger.

If this is the biggest drawback of new energy vehicles, then the energy moving car charger, and charging equipment management is not perfect. New energy vehicles in 1 time charge distance is short, when parking at home or a company, every day is charging, but if there is no nearby charging, there will be no use.

4, suitable for new energy vehicles

Gasoline, price, performance, design is great, but the most important thing is that, in the new energy vehicles is the most important thing is good for me. Purchasing process is very complex, the existing vehicles and a variety of management essentials and other pure curiosity, buy is pointless story.

New energy vehicles of various shortcomings and residence, driving mode, comprehensive consideration are choices. Commuting distance or in excess of 70 kilometers distance close, no longer enjoy the trip.

Residential living alone or together residential setting charger, so near the charger use land, place of residence, set up the charger quickly, suitable for the situation. At the same time, the hope can take midsize cars, to fully understanding of new energy vehicles.

Now for domestic oil prices continue to rise, resulting in many open fuel car owners said the car can afford now, but now the new energy vehicles more perfect in every way. For consumers to buy a car, buy new energy vehicles is also a good choice.

New energy vehicles often referred to as pure electric cars. Rather than the sort of hybrid cars, new energy vehicles commonly are about 300 km. The future of new energy vehicles will be matching self-driving technology, all kinds of artificial intelligence and other high-tech.

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