22 Years' Battery Customization

Balance car safety issues are caused by the quality of the battery

Jul 11, 2019   Pageview:683

Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision held a press conference to announce the results of the risk monitoring of electric balance vehicles in the third quarter of 2016. According to the monitoring results, 29 batches of samples were taken from this risk monitoring, and 25 batches were found to have problems. The problem detection rate was 86.2%. As a result of this, the safety of electric balance vehicles has once again become the focus of society.


The battery product is shoddy and the cruising range is not up to the key issue.


It can be seen from the monitoring results that the quality of the battery has become a key issue that threatens the safety of the balance car. These quality problems are mainly reflected in the following two aspects.


1. The battery product shoddy, easy to explode after heavy blow


This risk monitoring found 3 batches of inferior batteries. These 3 batches of sample battery packs are composed of 2 sets of battery strings, and each has 1 set of battery strings not connected to the circuit. One of the batches had 10 cells with a voltage of 0 V. When one of the cells was disassembled, the internal filling of the cell was found to be yellow particles. After disassembling the other two batches, it was found that the battery core was a waste product.


The electric balance car falls behind in a heavy blow or high altitude. If the battery used is a poor quality battery, there is a danger of explosion. In this test, two batches of lithium batteries explode in the heavy impact test.


2. The battery capacity is reduced, and the cruising range is not up to standard.


In the 9 batches of single-wheel electric balance vehicles monitored, the nominal battery capacity averages 2200mAh, and the driving range averages 15 km. In fact, the battery capacity is about 2000mAh, and the driving range is only about 12 km; in 18 batches of double-wheel balance. In the car, the nominal battery capacity averages 4,400mAh, and the driving range averages 20 km. In fact, the battery capacity is about 4000mAh, and the driving range is only about 15 km. It can be seen that the virtual standard of the electric balance car in the market is serious, and the cruising range is rarely up to standard.


Shanghai Quality Supervision Bureau sampling 95% of electric balance car battery is not up to standard


Previously, the Shanghai Quality Supervision Bureau has organized a risk monitoring specifically for electric balance car batteries and chargers. Due to the lack of relevant industry standards, this risk monitoring mainly refers to the national mandatory standards for portable electronic lithium batteries and household appliance chargers. Relevant standards are tested. Among the 20 electric balance car samples collected from e-commerce platforms, supermarkets and physical stores, only 1 sample passed all 14 tests, and the remaining 19 samples did not meet the requirements of relevant national standards, including 2 batches. The secondary sample was fired and exploded during the extrusion test. One batch of the sample exploded during the heavy impact test, and another batch of the sample exploded during the normal temperature short circuit test.


The quality of the battery is not the biggest safety hazard of the balance car.


From the results of the above two electric balance car risk monitoring results, it can be seen that the quality of the battery has seriously threatened the personal safety of the electric balance car users. In a battery pack incorporating a poor quality battery, since the inferior battery does not participate in the work, only half of the battery cells in the battery pack are connected to the circuit, and the rate discharge performance of the battery core is insufficient to meet the demand of high current. When the balance car accelerates and climbs the slope Or when the obstacle is over, the battery pack will suddenly lose power due to insufficient power supply, and the user will be in danger of falling and falling. The cruising range of the cruising range will also cause the user to misjudge the mileage when driving the electric balancer, resulting in a sudden power failure of the battery pack. After the electric balance car passes the crash, it is very likely that the battery will explode due to the poor quality of the battery, causing more serious secondary damage to the user.


Electric balance car, as a rapid transportation and entertainment tool in recent years, lacks national standards, industry standards or local standards, and has low entry barriers. It has mastered core patents in nearly 1,000 electric balance car manufacturers in China. There are only a handful of well-known brand companies with research and development capabilities and after-sales support capabilities. Most other companies only purchase components for assembly, which lacks both safety design capabilities and quality control capabilities. In order to reduce the cost and price, some companies use cheap parts and battery products, which make it difficult for consumers to protect their interests.


The United States has developed the UL2272 safety standard and the development of relevant national standards in China has also started.


Due to the lack of quality supervision, the electric balance car market is mixed. The safety accidents caused by electric balance vehicles have occurred from time to time. At present, there have been many electric balance car explosions at home and abroad.


In the face of the crisis of the emerging industry such as balance car, at the end of 2015, the US UL standard development organization spent nearly three months to develop the safety standard UL2272 for the balance circuit system. The standard was implemented in February 2016 and played a positive role in sorting out the chaos in the industry and promoting the healthy development of the balance car industry. The standard was officially approved by the Canadian National Standards Council (SCC) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as national standards for the United States and Canada in November 2016. In December 2016, the UL Standards Development Organization updated the original UL2272 standard and released the second edition of the UL2272 standard.


Relevant organizations and departments in China have also responded.


In July 2016, the Guangdong Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau organized the Local Standards Examination and Approval Meeting of the General Technical Conditions for Electric Two-Wheeled Balance Vehicles at the Guangdong Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Guangdong Quality Inspection Institute) and passed the examination and approval.


Subsequently, the electric balance car alliance standard jointly formulated by 12 units and enterprises such as Zhejiang Jinhua Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and Zhejiang Leisure Sports Car Industry Association was officially introduced. The standard sets the main technical specifications for parameter setting in the whole vehicle, motor, battery and charger, and specifies the production and use standards for classification, requirements, experimental methods, signs and packaging.


On November 23, 2016, the two national standards launching sessions of "Safety Requirements and Test Methods for Electric Balance Vehicles" and "General Technical Conditions for Electric Balance Vehicles" were held in Beijing, Guangdong Quality Inspection Institute and Beijing Machinery Industry Automation Research Institute, Wuxi City. A total of 15 units including the Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center attended the standard launch meeting. The leaders of the National Standards Committee said that the national standards for electric balance vehicles are very high. The development of this standard should protect the safety of consumers' personal and property, contribute to industrial upgrading and market order, and remind the participating units of the two national standards. Only one year, I hope that everyone will actively participate in the activities of standard setting.


For emerging industries, one of the biggest issues after innovation is the development of industry standards. At present, the formulation of relevant industry standards for electric balance vehicles in China has been launched one after another, and the chaos in the electric balance car market is expected to be cleaned up. Battery China Network believes that in addition to formulating relevant industry standards, all regulatory authorities need to cooperate with each other, increase supervision, and strictly control product quality. At the same time, we hope that users can choose regular channels to purchase electric balance car products. Please do not buy unreasonably low. Price products and "three no products", pay attention to charging safety and safe use.


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