22 Years' Battery Customization

What's the difference between a lithium battery and a lead-acid battery?

Jun 29, 2019   Pageview:528

1. Recycling life(1200 to 2000 times-500 to 900 times)


2. Specific energy(150W · h/kg-40W · h/kg)


3. Charge time(2 to 4 H-fast charge 3 to 6 H(fast charging technology is not yet mature) slowly charge at 8h or more)


4. Charge and discharge electric energy efficiency(Lithium-ion battery charged and discharged electric energy conversion efficiency can be greater than 97 %-lead-acid battery charge and discharge electric energy conversion efficiency is about 80 %)


5. Price(higher 24V/10Ah price: 750 to 1200 yuan-lower 24V/12Ah price: 200 to 300 yuan)


6. Volume(the volume of a small lithium ion battery is 2/3 of the volume of a lead-acid battery-large size)


7. Weight(light weight is only 1/3 to 1/4 of lead acid battery-weight)


8. Range(Power-Environmental)


9. There is no pollution in production and use(there is pollution in production-there is a large amount of lead in lead-acid batteries, which will cause pollution to the environment if properly disposed of after disposal).


10. Lithium-ion batteries(charging at constant current constant pressure-lithium batteries are vulnerable to overcharging, deep discharge and short circuit damage)


11. Charging and maintenance(complex, high maintenance cost-simple, low maintenance cost provides open circuit)


12. Power supply(small open circuit power supply, more series-large open circuit power supply provided)


"Lithium battery" is a type of battery that uses lithium metal or lithium alloy as a negative electrode material and uses a non-aqueous electrolyte solution. In 1912, the lithium metal battery was first proposed and studied by GilbertN. Lewis. In the 1970s, M.S. Whittingham proposed and began to study lithium ion batteries. Due to the very lively chemical properties of lithium metals, the processing, preservation, and use of lithium metals require very high environmental requirements. Therefore, lithium batteries have not been used for a long time. With the development of science and technology, lithium batteries have now become the mainstream.


Lithium batteries can be roughly divided into two categories: lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries do not contain metallic lithium and can be charged. The fifth-generation lithium metal battery of rechargeable batteries was born in 1996, and its safety, specific capacity, self-discharge rate and performance price are better than those of lithium-ion batteries. Due to its own high-tech requirements, companies in only a few countries are now producing this lithium metal battery.


1. Rechargeable batteries(alkaline batteries-lead-acid batteries)


2. Recycling life(1200 to 2000 times-500 to 900 times)


3. Specific energy(150W · h/kg-40W · h/kg)


4. Charge time(2 to 4 H-fast charge 3 to 6 H(fast charging technology is not yet mature) slowly charge at 8h or more)


5. Charge and discharge electric energy efficiency(Lithium-ion battery charged and discharged electric energy conversion efficiency can be greater than 97 %-lead-acid battery charge and discharge electric energy conversion efficiency is about 80 %)


6. Price(higher 24V/10Ah price: 750 to 1200 yuan-lower 24V/12Ah price: 200 to 300 yuan)


7. Volume(the volume of a small lithium ion battery is 2/3 of the volume of a lead-acid battery-large size)


8. Weight(light weight is only 1/3 to 1/4 of lead acid battery-weight)


9. Range(Power-Environmental)


10. There is no pollution in production and use(there is pollution in production-there is a large amount of lead in lead-acid batteries, which will cause pollution to the environment if properly disposed of after disposal).


11. Lithium-ion batteries(charging at constant current constant pressure-lithium batteries are vulnerable to overcharging, deep discharge and short circuit damage)


12. Charging and maintenance(complex, high maintenance cost-simple, low maintenance cost provides open circuit)


13. Power supply(small open circuit power supply, more series-large open circuit power supply provided)


1:Standard Voltage Different Lead Acid Battery Monomer Standard Voltage: 2.0 V Lithium Electric Monomer Standard Voltage: 3.6 V


2: Internal materials with different lead-acid batteries have positive and negative poles of lead oxide, metal lead, and electrolytes with concentrated lithium sulfate.


3: Energy difference lead acid battery 30WH / KG lithium battery 150WH / KG


4: Use different lead-acid batteries: car start, electric car battery lithium batteries: mobile phones, computers, power tools, and now also used in electric car batteries


5: Different electrical characteristics lead acid batteries can not discharge large current, short life lithium batteries can discharge large current, good life.


Another difference is the following performance:


1, durability: lead-acid batteries are generally deep charge and deep discharge within 300 times, have memory, life span of about two years. In addition, there is a liquid in the lead-acid battery. After consuming a period of time, if the battery is hot or the charging time becomes shorter, the liquid needs to be supplemented. Lithium batteries have strong durability, slow consumption, more than 500 charges, and no memory, and their general life span is 4-5 years.


2, volume, quality: General lead acid battery weight is 16-30 kilograms, larger volume; Lithium batteries are generally 2.5 to 3 kilograms, and their volume is relatively small. Therefore, riding is light and easy to handle.


3, price, warranty: At present, the mainstream battery on the market is 48 volts, if replaced, about 450 yuan lead acid battery, warranty period is 1 year; Lithium batteries are relatively expensive and require about 1,000 yuan, but the warranty period is two years.


4, driving kilometers: The same is a 48-volt battery, in the case of full power, lead-acid batteries and lithium battery electric vehicles can travel 30-40 kilometers. The speed depends mainly on the size of the motor used.


5, battery capacity: lead-acid battery capacity of about 20 A; Lithium battery capacity is 8-10 A.


6, environmental protection: Lead acid batteries in the production process of pollution, if improper recovery may also cause pollution; Lithium batteries are relatively green.


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