22 Years' Battery Customization

Three Threshold for Making Electric Vehicles

Jul 10, 2019   Pageview:647

The tide of car building is coming! Recently, in addition to a number of Internet giants such as Le Vision, Apple announced the construction of cars, power battery manufacturers have shown great interest in the manufacture of new energy vehicles, especially electric vehicles. In recent days, more than more vehicles through the acquisition of Red Star car production qualifications, has officially entered the field of car building. In addition to doflurdo, eight battery companies such as fir shares, Wulong electric vehicles, Shandong Taiqi, Bic batteries, and Western resources are gradually infiltrating the vehicle field through mergers and acquisitions. In addition, Teneng Group and many other companies also intend to manufacture new energy vehicles.

After the introduction of the "Regulations for the Management of New Electric Passenger Vehicle Enterprises", many companies outside the traditional automotive industry saw a slight opportunity to enter the vehicle manufacturing field. 鈥淚t is no exception for battery manufacturers. "There are huge investment opportunities in the new energy car market, whether it is Internet companies, parts companies, or even other companies can invest in the new energy car industry, adding vitality to the market," Yanjianlai, deputy secretary-general of the China Automobile Engineering Society, told reporters. "

Significant reduction in the threshold for admission

Wuwei, director of the industrial coordination Department of the National development and reform Commission(NDRC), told reporters that many companies were actively preparing materials after the regulations on the management of new purely electric passenger vehicles were promulgated. Although no company has yet formally applied, he believes that the preparation materials need time. More companies will apply in the fourth quarter or first quarter of next year. For potential applicants, Wuwei classifies these companies into six categories, including existing auto companies, auto parts manufacturers, key parts manufacturers, automotive R&D and design companies, low-end product manufacturers, and other companies.

Regarding the fact that many power battery companies have a keen interest in the manufacture of new energy vehicles, Wuwei believes that these companies have mastered some of the core technologies in new energy vehicles and need to achieve product added value through the integration of vehicles. Yanjianlai believes that the intention of power battery companies to enter the automotive industry is very clear. In the past, these companies entered the new energy vehicle industry through cooperation with vehicle factories, and to some extent they were subject to traditional manufacturers. With the difficulty of manufacturing new energy vehicles, future competition will gradually turn to competition in business models, and the liberalization of access will provide these companies with greater freedom of choice and innovation.

In addition, Yanjianlai said that battery companies entering the vehicle manufacturing industry can create a new business form for the company to create a new business growth point. Looking at the history of the development of the automotive industry in China, there are not many opportunities to enter the automotive industry. "Take the opportunity to become the second BYD and the second Geely. "There are 25 million industries in the car market in China, and the proportion of new energy vehicles will become larger and larger. How to get a share of this is something that every entrepreneur should pay attention to and study. "

Matching and system integration is a hurdle

The new energy automobile business of traditional automobile enterprises can often make use of the existing resources of the supporting facilities of traditional automobile production. Yanjian said: "This is a more realistic difficulty for battery companies to build cars. According to the reporter's understanding, the white body of the Beiqi New Energy E series is now provided by the Shunyi factory, and part of it is provided by the Zhuzhou factory. It is located at the new energy base of Beiqi, which is mainly engaged in technology research and development and vehicle assembly. The new base located in Laixi, Qingdao, Shandong Province, will also use the production capacity of the Zhuzhou plant in the early stages and will only complete the four major processes later. At present, there are no domestic battery companies with such resources.

From batteries to vehicles, battery manufacturers need to be more "car savvy." Tianshuo, general manager and founder of Beijing koyi power, told reporters that in pure electric vehicles, there is also a battery integration system technology between the battery unit and the assembly of the entire vehicle. This technology not only requires the maximum performance of the battery monomer, but also requires a perfect connection in the assembly and even matching of the entire vehicle. It is a complex technology that "must understand both the car and the battery". From the current domestic point of view, only a few vehicle factories master battery integration system technology, and more companies choose to purchase battery integration system products.

The assembly of batteries into the entire vehicle does not mean that it has mastered the entire production technology of pure electric vehicles. A senior official at BAIC's new energy research institute told reporters that pure electric vehicles, although simple in structure, are the same as traditional vehicles in terms of technical difficulty, without any simplification or simplification. For some vehicle chassis debugging, the need for long-term technical accumulation and research, is not a matter of overnight. For new entrants, outsourcing is more likely, but this will lead to higher vehicle costs.

Vehicle cost is a challenge

Building a pure electric car is not difficult is the consensus in the industry, but the industry also recognizes that building a pure electric car with good quality and cheap is a difficult thing. Renyong, general manager of Changan New Energy, said that in addition to their own technology and resources, the costs of purchasing pure electric vehicles are basically the same in the parts market. In other words, in the future, if the battery company makes a complete vehicle, the cost advantage on the battery alone is not enough to stand out in the market.

It is certainly not feasible to manufacture a whole vehicle and outsource all processes other than batteries. At present, some battery companies have begun to explore the direction of the vehicle power system. Shanghai Yangmai, a subsidiary of China Airlines Li-electric joint venture company, recently released a power system based on Corolla, and Tianjin Songzheng also released the fifth-generation new energy passenger car power transmission assembly. The transition to vehicle technology has become a common choice for many battery manufacturers. "The new energy car is a new round of competition in the global automotive industry. It can not be achieved overnight. Participating companies need to make long-term preparations. "In the process of competing with traditional cars, unlike the passive situation where China has long fallen behind in catching up, the new energy vehicles have better technical conditions and foundations," Wuwei said. "We welcome more companies with strategic ideas and innovative capabilities to join and achieve the goal of 'releasing catfish' to make the new energy automotive industry full of competitiveness. "

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