22 Years' Battery Customization

What are the characteristics of lithium batteries

Jul 01, 2019   Pageview:599

Lithium batteries are batteries that use lithium metal or lithium alloys as negative electrode materials and use non-aqueous electrolyte solutions. The earliest lithium batteries came from the great inventor Edison. Due to the very lively chemical properties of lithium metals, the processing, preservation, and use of lithium metals require very high environmental requirements. Therefore, lithium batteries have not been used for a long time.


What are the good features of lithium batteries compared to conventional batteries?


Features of lithium battery


1, has a higher weight energy ratio, volume energy ratio;


2, the voltage is high, a single lithium battery voltage of 3.6 V, equal to the series voltage of 3 nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride rechargeable batteries;


3, self-discharge can be stored for a long time, which is the most prominent advantage of the battery;


4, no memory effect. Lithium batteries do not have the so-called memory effect of nickel-cadmium batteries, so lithium batteries do not need to discharge before charging;


5, long life. Under normal working conditions, the number of charge/discharge cycles of lithium batteries is much greater than 500 times;


6, can charge quickly. Lithium batteries can usually be charged with 0.5 to 1 capacity of current, shortening the charging time to 1 to 2 hours;


7, can be used in parallel at will;


8, because the battery does not contain cadmium, lead, Mercury and other heavy metal elements, it is pollution-free to the environment and is the most advanced green battery in the contemporary era;


9, high cost. Lithium batteries are more expensive than other rechargeable batteries.


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