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What is the motivation for the China Battery Association and the Innovation Alliance to carry out the white list of lithium batteries?

Jul 05, 2019   Pageview:732

Jianhua Fang said that there are three main reasons for the China Battery Association and the Innovation Alliance to carry out battery white listing work: 1.To become a self-discipline platform for the power battery industry; 2.For the vehicle manufacturers to choose the power battery; 3. When making relevant decisions for the government Provide evidence.


The impact of the enterprise catalogue of the "Automobile Power Battery Industry Standards" on the industry is still fresh, and now there is news that there will be a new battery white list that will take over the catalog.


On April 26, the 2018 China Automobile Forum was held in Beijing. Dong Yang, executive vice president of the China Automobile Association, announced at the meeting that it would carry out the evaluation and release of the white list of the automotive power battery and hydrogen fuel cell industry.


Dong Yang said that China's new energy vehicles are in a critical period of transition from policy cultivation to market-oriented development. Power batteries and hydrogen fuel cells are the core resources for the development of new energy vehicles, and technological progress and industrial upgrading for new energy vehicles. Sustainable development is of paramount importance.


To this end, according to the authorization of the relevant departments, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as "China Automobile Association"), China Automotive Power Battery Industry Innovation Alliance (hereinafter referred to as "Innovation Alliance") officially launched the car power from April 26, 2018. The evaluation of the self-discipline white list of batteries and hydrogen fuel cell industry, the white list management method for automotive power batteries and hydrogen fuel cells will be posted on the website of the Automobile Association and Innovation Alliance.


The areas included in the white list evaluation include key materials, batteries, battery systems, hydrogen fuel cells, etc. Relevant companies can declare on a voluntary basis, and in May 2018, white lists will be released in batches. The purpose of issuing white lists is to promote superiority, guide all kinds of resources to high-quality enterprises, provide reference for vehicle manufacturers, and formulate policies for the government to guide the development of the industry.


China Automotive Synergy Day issued the “Interim Management Measures for the White List of Automotive power batteries and Hydrogen Fuel Cells Industry” on its official website. The review of the battery white list will be conducted by the battery alliance organization experts, and two to three batches will be announced each year. The announcement will be dynamically managed. The white listed companies are required to submit an annual development report each year. The battery alliance reviews the companies in the battery white list every three years. According to the China Automobile Association, the battery white list is the acceptance of the enterprise catalogue of "Automobile Power Battery Industry Standard Conditions".


When the news came out, it immediately aroused great concern from the industry. At the same time, there were some questions about the white list: What was the original intention of the above white list work? Is it difficult to implement? Can you achieve the desired purpose?


In this regard, the National Science and Technology Achievements Transformation Fund, the executive partner of the New Energy Vehicle Venture Capital Sub-fund, and Jianhua Fang, a member of the China Electric Vehicles 100-member Association, explained the high-tech lithium battery for the first time.


First back to 2016, when the "Automobile Power Battery Industry Standard Conditions" enterprise catalogue was issued, the original intention of the catalogue was as a prerequisite for entering the new energy vehicle promotion catalogue and subsidy payment. For a time, entering the catalog became a top priority for power battery companies.


Affected by this, the sales performance of some large domestic power battery companies has fallen sharply. Even the international battery giants such as Samsung SDI and LG Chemical have not made good progress in the Chinese power battery market. Some small and medium-sized power battery companies that did not enter the catalogue even experienced business difficulties such as no shipments and income, no salary of employees, and senior management leaving the company.


However, there are then documents indicating that the catalogue is no longer tied to the “new energy vehicles and product access” that is, not linked to the subsidy catalog. The standard conditions suggest that the scale of the power battery enterprise should reach 8GWh, which will cause huge repercussions in the industry, and finally the 8GWh condition will be removed, forming a compromise solution.


Reviewing the enterprise catalogue of "Automobile Power Battery Industry Standard Conditions", the first is to form a mandatory binding force with the subsidy catalogue, and the middle is vacillating, and finally reluctantly withdraws.


Now, the China Automobile Association and the Innovation Alliance announced the upcoming evaluation of the self-discipline white list of the power battery and hydrogen fuel cell industry. What should be done?


According to the data, the China Automobile Association was established in May 1987 and is a permanent member of the World Automobile Organization (OICA). It has established close ties with international automotive industry organizations and automotive-related organizations in many countries and regions. The Innovation Alliance is an extension of the National Power Battery Innovation Center. Under the alliance, there are 7 sub-committees of battery material branch, power battery branch, test and verification branch, engineering equipment branch, recycling branch, fuel cell branch and standard committee.


Jianhua Fang told Gaogong Lithium that there are three main reasons for the white-listing of the battery in the China Automobile Association and the Innovation Alliance: 1.Tobecome a self-discipline platform for the power battery industry; 2.For the vehicle manufacturers to choose the power battery; 3, for the government Provide a basis for making relevant decisions.


"To achieve the above three objectives, there must be supporting conditions: 1.Since it is necessary to form a self-discipline platform, we must first win the consensus of the industry, especially the power battery companies. This is the most basic condition; 2.Towin the downstream vehicle enterprises. Recognition; 3, can get the authorization of the relevant government." Jianhua Fang said.


In Jianhua Fang's view, the original intention of carrying out the battery white listing work is very good, but it may face three challenges to truly achieve the expected goals: 1.It is not linked to the existing subsidy catalogue, which means lack of binding; Meet the industry consensus; 3, the actual operation is difficult. The evaluation of power battery companies involves a wide range of aspects, including hardware conditions (equipment, scale), software conditions, etc. Comprehensive, fair and real-time evaluation is not an easy task.


Jianhua Fang's judgment is that the actual implementation of the battery white list may require a long-term process, while at the same time to gather more resources, such as testing agencies, new energy vehicle regulatory platforms and large new energy vehicle operating companies.


It is worth noting that the battery white list also incorporates hydrogen fuel cells into management. In the early days of the development of new energy vehicles in China, power lithium batteries dominated. With the continuous adjustment of subsidies for new energy vehicles, the subsidy for pure electric vehicles has been gradually reduced, and the subsidy standard for hydrogen fuel cells has remained unchanged, which brings opportunities for hydrogen fuel cell companies.


We understand that the core component of a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is a fuel cell system, and the core of the fuel cell system is a stack. The battery white list incorporates fuel cell systems and stacks into management.


A senior industry insider pointed out that the core technology of hydrogen fuel cells is currently controlled by foreign-funded enterprises. The purpose of launching the hydrogen fuel cell white list should not be the same as the corporate catalog of the "Automobile Battery Industry Standards" domestic enterprises. Because if the Chinese market is circled at this time, it will not benefit the development of China's hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry.


Most of the domestic enterprises that produce hydrogen fuel cells do not have stack technology, which are purchased from abroad, and the production capacity of domestic autonomous reactors is also very small. There is no advantage in China for the key components such as membrane electrodes and dual-stage plates required for the production of electric reactors. The closed market will slow down the commercialization of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.


The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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