22 Years' Battery Customization

Pollution of lithium iron phosphate batteries

Jun 29, 2019   Pageview:543

As we all know, if you throw away batteries and cause environmental pollution, it will have a great impact on our lives. Therefore, I must pay attention to the pollution of batteries.


Lithium-iron phosphate batteries are widely used as one of the modern new energy sources because of their good stability and long life without pollution. There is a question here. When the lithium iron phosphate batteries are used up, are we directly abandoned or what are we doing? At this time, some people may say, anyway, there is no pollution, should be free to discard it, of course not. We suggest that it is best to send it back to the manufacturers for recycling. Although this product is a new energy source, it is claimed to be non-polluting and green, but it can not avoid heavy metal pollution. problem, But it can also be very harmful to the land if discarded at will.


Whether it is a general battery or a lithium battery, because the battery itself is a chemical substance, when placed in nature, the internal material begins to decompose over time, and when the protective shell damages the internal material leaks, the material may have an impact on the outside world. If you do not know how to deal with it, you can first collect it and wait until you have the opportunity to send it to the collection station. In fact, there are also special garbage bins for recycling used batteries, and garbage depots are also classified and can also be sent directly to the local environmental protection agency.


In any case, the pollution of lithium batteries will still be there, but it is relatively small. We live on the same earth, we have to start from the ego, and the old batteries can not be mixed with other kinds of life garbage, to be separated and disposed of. Waste battery recycling is not a call for a day or two, generally dry batteries contain heavy metal components, there will be toxic, serious damage to the environment. People need to form a sense of protection of the environment. Everyone does this to have influence, and the related environmental protection industry will actively develop.


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