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Like Note7? Samsung Galaxy Note 9 battery spontaneous combustion explosion

Jul 04, 2019   Pageview:544

According to foreign media reports, a user named Diane Chung on Long Island in the United States suffered a spontaneous combustion of mobile phone batteries using the smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

The battery spontaneously exploded in Samsung Galaxy Note 9, the first in the series

According to Diane Chung, the mobile phone was placed in the bag and was not used or charged. However, the cell phone emitted smoke. She then poured the phone out of the bag and soon made a harsh sound, and the battery spontaneously exploded. This is the first battery spontaneous explosion since the Note9 went public. However, this is not the first explosion of Samsung's mobile phone battery.

In 2016, hundreds of Samsung Note7 phones spontaneously exploded due to batteries within months. For a time, Samsung Note7 became the focus of the industry, and Samsung was caught in a vortex. At that time, civilspecial authorities in several countries announced that passengers were prohibited from carrying Note 7 on board the aircraft. This was extremely rare in the past, showing the great danger of Note 7.

Seeing this Note9 explosion, many people can not help but worry that it is to repeat the mistakes of Note7? In that regard, DJ Koh, head of Samsung's mobile business, stressed at the Note9 launch that Note9's batteries were safer than ever, so use them with ease.

At present, Diane Chung has filed a lawsuit for the spontaneous explosion of mobile phone batteries, and Samsung's US side also stated that it will explain after careful investigation.

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