22 Years' Battery Customization

Tinfoil and batteries do more than make a fire.

Jul 08, 2019   Pageview:815

Now, tin foil battery not only can be used as "flint tools" (although it was true, but it is danger!). Recently, the internet says AAA battery can be used as AA battery. If you ran out of AA battery, and only have short AAA batteries, how do you do? Then stick in a tinfoil, from now on cell size is not a problem.

"Because of the tin foil conductive, pad so as long as the battery anode foil, batteries also can be used as normal 5 cells." Recently, the net friend "the daily new skills" on Weibo drying out a small life skill, it is using tin foil to fill batteries with leaf spring, the gap in the current through the circuit to the electronic products.

This skill a send, immediately attract netizens onlookers, forwarding, Weibo is called "I'm not a Hong Liangsun" the net friend said, "very practical! I have tried according to this method, and it is effective, really feasible, but is the tin foil is a little difficult to buy ".But in admiration at the same time, there are a number of Internet users. Netizen "_ the _" he said, "different models of battery can replace use?"

To this, the reporter contacted the Chongqing university physics professor Wang Tao. He said that really can be used as an emergency, but I don't advise people to use this method for a long time." Because of the batteries and battery voltage, discharge principle 5 is similar, so under the tin foil conductive function, can replace to use." Wang Tao said, but because of the unequal tin foil thickness, surface integrity, there is no guarantee that the stability of the electrical parameters and a long period of time would be quicker to the power consumption of the battery, and may cause damage of sophisticated electronic products. As to put forward by the "tin foil will burn" problem, Wang Tao believes that when an electric current passes through the heat generated is not enough to reach the ignition point of tin foil, but in use process need to be careful.

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