22 Years' Battery Customization

Lishen battery production line automation rate of 100%

Jul 08, 2019   Pageview:542

Laser cutting, pole piece, winding, assembly, liquid injection, cleaning, chemical formation... A small battery needs to go through such a complicated process from preparation to production. However, in the production workshop of Tianjin Lishen Battery Co., Ltd., almost no workers can be seen in the large workshop. Only a few display screens and several patrol personnel can control the entire production line to achieve automatic production. On April 19th, the “New Era, New Meteorology as a Network Media Reporter, Walking to the Grassroots and Intelligent Times Today” organized by the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Internet Committee entered the new energy enterprise Tianjin Lishen Battery Co., Ltd.




The production workshop of Tianjin Lishen Battery Phase 6 new plant was put into operation in November last year, with a total investment of 1.32 billion yuan and a total construction area of over 50,000 square meters. It mainly produces square aluminum shell power batteries and flexible packaging power batteries, with an annual production capacity of 2.6 billion. Wah.


In the face of reporters' doubts about the production workshops that were seen, Liu Yuan, the engineer, gave the answer: "The biggest feature of the new phase six plant is the automation of production and management, creating a new model for the intelligent manufacturing of lithium batteries. The new plant adopts The fully automatic production line has established an all-round automated warehousing and logistics system from raw materials to finished products, and has realized the production automation of winding, assembly, liquid injection, chemical conversion and post-treatment.


At the same time, through the introduction of the MES system, the product can be strictly tested and judged online, and the data information is transmitted in real time, realizing the monitoring and traceability of the battery life cycle. ”




The winder is the core of the assembly line. It can realize automatic roll change, automatic monitoring, automatic correction, and collect data in real time, and sort and calculate in the background. According to Liu Yuan, there are 20 winders on a production line. The quality and level of products produced by each machine in the past are different, and manual analysis and troubleshooting are required.


Now with intelligent manufacturing and big data analysis, the alignment, length, width and thickness of the winding can be monitored in real time, helping the producer to quickly judge, verify and locate which machine has a problem, which greatly improves product quality and work efficiency. The previous generation of winders can only complete 6-8 pole groups in one minute, and now 12 can be completed in one minute.


Work instructions and production dynamics of the workshop, and even send information to the relevant responsible person's mobile phone to achieve remote command operations. In addition, for safety production, the production line is also equipped with a pre-forming function. In the event of an emergency, the battery can be sent to it for processing without affecting the operation of other modules.


Under normal circumstances, a production line can completely achieve "unmanned driving." Workers like the trafficspecial on the road, only need to observe the data and play the role of inspection and command to achieve precise and intelligent production.


Gao Junkui, executive vice president of Tianjin Lishen Battery Co., Ltd., told reporters that the intelligent assembly line and process flow of battery assembly highlights the intelligent manufacturing concept of automation, digitization and networking. The battery module assembly line completes the loading, assembly, transportation and testing of batteries and modules through a large number of robots with intelligent vision, with an automation rate of up to 100%. Through the application of digital technology, each key component of the battery pack has established a complete product information traceability system, real-time collection, monitoring and early warning of component data in the assembly process to ensure orderly production.


With the commissioning of the new phase six plant, Lishen's annual production capacity in 2017 will reach 10 billion watt-hours, providing a source of power for 200,000 electric vehicles. It is planned to reach 30 billion watt-hours of annual production capacity by 2020 and 60 billion watt-hours of annual production capacity in 2025. It will become a green energy solution provider with full application direction and become the top three international high-end consumer electronics accessory market the main supplier of energy vehicles, energy storage and special equipment supporting market.


The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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