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Brief description of the new lithium battery ceramic materials project of Tsinghua University

Jul 10, 2019   Pageview:421

On the morning of April 20th, the signing ceremony of the new lithium battery ceramic material project of the Academician Nan Zewen of Tsinghua University was held in Jixian County. The Mayor of Huai'an, Cailixin, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Minister of Organization Li Wei, the Dean of the Materials Research Institute of Tsinghua University, the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fengyuchuan, and the Chairman of Jiangsu Qingtao Energy Technology Co., Ltd. attended the signing ceremony.

At the signing ceremony, Li Wei pointed out that in recent years, Huai'an has implemented innovation-driven development strategies and effectively promoted the city's economic transformation and development and industrial upgrading. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the municipal and municipal governments, Ji County focused on the "two new and one high" leading industries and accelerated the "integration of productive talents". The economic development has maintained a good situation. With Qinghua University and other high-quality projects settled in a succession, it will inject more innovative vitality into the transformation and development of the Yu industry. Xuyi should take the signing of this project as an opportunity to further optimize the business environment and promote the rapid construction of the project, early production, and early achievement of efficiency. The Municipal Talent Office should further improve the mechanism for encouraging talents to innovate, optimize the services for talents, increase support for projects, and constantly promote cooperation between Huai'an and Tsinghua University to a higher level.

Nancewen said that Tsinghua University and huaian have a good basis for cooperation, qingtao energy project settled in yuyi for 4 years, under the strong support of huaian city and yuxian County, has achieved rapid development. Qingtao Energy is in line with the concept of "two new and one high" industrial development in Yi County. It will continue to be a credible, socially responsible and responsible innovative enterprise, and will contribute to the development of the "two new and one high" industry.

It is understood that the new lithium-ion battery ceramic materials planned by the team of academician nanzhiwen of Tsinghua University have a total investment of 300 million yuan. Using the modified function of concave soil, it is mainly engaged in the research and development and industrialization of new lithium-ion battery ceramic materials, and further extends and expands the application of new materials of uniform concave soil. The plan is to build an annual production line of 500 tons of solid electrolyte materials and 1,000 tons of manganese cathode materials in early 2019. The products will be widely used in electric vehicles, mobile electronic equipment, and military power sources.

The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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