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The Blue Book of Power Cells (2018) was released

Jul 01, 2019   Pageview:612

On July 19, 2018, "Power Battery Blue Book: China New Energy Vehicle Power Battery Industry Development Report (2018)" co-sponsored by China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "China Automobile Center"), Dalian Panasonic Automobile Energy Co., Ltd., Social Science Literature Publishing House, and New Energy Vehicle Power Battery Industry Association The Blue Book for short was held in Beijing. Experts, scholars and business representatives from power cells and related industries attended the launch ceremony.


It is understood that the Blue Book is an industrial research monograph jointly launched by China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd. and Dalian Panasonic Automobile Energy Co., Ltd. on the basis of continuous research on the power battery industry. In the process of compiling this book, it has received strong support from universities, industry organizations, members of the New Energy Automobile Hedongli Battery Industry Association, and professionals from related units.


In 2017, domestic sales of new energy vehicles reached 777,000 vehicles, directly driving the power battery supporting capacity of 36.3 GWh, but also produced a veritable global leader. At the beginning of 2017, four ministries and commissions issued the "Action Plan for Promoting the Development of the Automobile Power Battery Industry", a top-level design policy document for the power battery industry. Promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the new energy automotive industry has clearly defined the next direction and development route. The Blue Book was also compiled in this context.


According to Wang Cheng, deputy director of the Beijing Work Department of the China Automobile Center, the Blue Book has designed and planned a total of six sections of content: "General Report, Expert Viewpoint, Industry, Policy, Hotspot, and Appendix."


Blue Book of Power Batteries (2018)


This issue of the Blue Book has added "Expert Viewpoints" and "Hot Spots" on the basis of the previous year's section. The “General Report” is a review of the development of the power battery industry in 2017. From the perspective of the industry as a whole, it reviews and analyzes the development of the power battery industry in 2017, refines and summarizes the development characteristics of the industry, and elaborates on the development process. The main issues and suggestions for promoting the healthy development of the industry. The “Expert Viewpoint” is a new section. The high-end consultant team of this book is the driving force for the development of the power battery industry in China and the world, and it is very instructive for industrial development. The “Industry” is divided into seven parts. From the aspect of the industrial chain system, it introduces the development of monomer, system integration, key materials and equipment manufacturing, and extends to the utilization of the back-end of the industrial chain and the recycling of the recycling industry. The progress of research and development in the battery industry was introduced. In the "Policy", the Blue Book combs the policies, standards and related support systems of China's power battery industry in 2017. The “Hot Spot” discusses the hot issues in the current development of the power battery industry through five parts, covering the development route of high-energy batteries and high-power batteries, as well as industry investment patterns, raw material resources and power battery fire safety. The “Appendix” is based on the exclusive research data of the China Battery Center on the power battery industry, and systematically draws the industry data sheet. The reader can directly see the current development pattern.


Regarding the future development of power batteries in China, Wuzhixin, deputy general manager of China National Automobile Center, said at the conference: "Power battery companies should proceed from pragmatism, increase investment in R&D and technology, strengthen mutual assistance and cooperation among enterprises, and unify industry standards. Establish a complete system for recycling and reuse. "


It is worth noting that the book's "2017 Single Battery Industry Development Report" chapter was jointly compiled by Zhou Bo, Director of Industry Research Department of the Power Battery Application Branch of the China Chemical and Physical Power Industry Association, and Zhang Yanghaiyan, a researcher of the branch industry research department. Prior to this, the Industry Research Department of the Power Battery Application Branch of the China Chemical and Physical Power Industry Association also wrote research reports on the power battery industry for institutions such as the China 100 Electric Vehicle Association.


From the angle of social science, the Blue Book of Power Battery in 2018 comprehensively and systematically combs and analyzes the development of power battery industry in China. The Blue Book, as an industry observer, keeps up with the pace of industrial development, closely follows the development trend of the industry, and deeply analyzes the connotation of industrial development. From the perspective of the audience, the Blue Book allows readers to understand the current situation and trends of the development of the power battery industry in China. It also objectively evaluates power battery technology and products from a professional perspective, analyzes the problems faced by industrial development, and puts forward suggestions and measures. The book will help the power battery industry management departments, research institutions, power batteries, upstream and downstream enterprises, and the public to understand the latest developments in the development of the power battery industry in China. It is intended to issue relevant policies and regulations for the power battery industry for government departments and formulate relevant strategic plans for enterprises. Provide necessary reference and reference.


Looking at the future of domestic power batteries, the support of national policies and the strategic transformation of domestic and foreign auto manufacturers have provided opportunities for the development of China's power battery industry. How to occupy a favorable position in the new round of competition has become the most important development of domestic power battery enterprises. Battery China Network believes that while developing, domestic enterprises should break through the core weaknesses of the industrial chain and achieve a leapfrog quality breakthrough from the perspectives of battery safety, technological innovation, cost control and globalization. Only in this way can we achieve the healthy and sustainable development of the power battery industry.


Editorial Board with Blue Book on Power Batteries (2018)


Honorary Advisor Chenliquan Yibaolian Wufeng Sunfengchun Ouyangming


Expert consultants (by surname stroke)


Wangbinggang Wangzidong Fangjianhua Shengjuzongjiu Ligang


Liuyanlong Xiaochengwei Houfushen Houming Huangxuejie


Editor Yukai


Deputy Director Wuzhixin Wangjianhai Wangchengcai Guoqin Tanghonghai


Editor Wangcheng Zhucheng


Deputy Editor Fangkaizheng


The main author is Fangkaizheng Zhoubo Yanghaiyan Jiangwenfeng Shixin


Chenyiyang Rukun Lizhenbiao Liyuke Sunzhi


Zhengxiaohong Caohongbin Linxiao Xingdanmin Lifeiqiang


Zhanglonghai Guoyuan Renhaibo Yanghao Bijiaying


Wuborong Liuzhengyao Zhangzhongde Zhaoli Jinhuangwu


Zhangjiangfeng Liulei Huangbin Wangtonghui


The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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