22 Years' Battery Customization

Lithium carbonate continues to rise in price lithium-battery theme fund do not miss

Jul 04, 2019   Pageview:568

Financial website news, lithium-battery plate performance today strong, afternoon market fell, but the concept of lithium-battery stocks against the trend. Jiangsu Cathay Pacific(7.81-1 .26 %, buying) firmly sealed the rally in the early hours, and Tianqi Lithium(56.81-0 .80 %, buying) continued to rise in the afternoon, hitting the rally board.

Among other plate stocks, polyfluoride(17.06-2 .29 %, buy), Jiahua Energy(8.03-0 .37 %, buy) rose by more than 7, and Lithium(68.46-2 .14 %, buy) rose by more than 6 <UNK>, Billions of lithium weft(18.10 +0.56 %, buy), fir shares(20.49 +4.65 %, buy) rose by 4 inches.

On the news, lithium carbonate has continued its tight supply pattern this year and prices have continued to rise. Since the beginning of this year, the price of lithium carbonate has risen by about 45 tons, and the price per ton has climbed from more than 90,000 yuan to more than 130,000 yuan. But this is probably not the end. Market people expect that with the further implementation of the new energy vehicle policy this year, the production capacity of new energy vehicles is expected to continue to grow at a high speed. Lithium carbonate batteries, as the core components of new energy vehicles, are still irreplaceable. Due to the high threshold of access to lithium carbonate production processes, The overall reserves are also relatively small, and we expect that the tight supply pattern will not change until alternative energy sources emerge. Keep your eyes open! You can also use the relevant funds, on the basis of low risk, enjoy the proceeds of lithium carbonate price increase!

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