Jul 25, 2019 Pageview:674
For the general owners, storage battery suddenly without electricity is a problem that let people off guard and helpless. East Toyota customer service manager Jiang infrastructure tell the owner, as long as pay more attention to the situation of car at ordinary times, take timely measures to when find battery power down, this problem can be avoid completely. And, when the car won't start because of battery without electricity, the owners do not muddling through, should follow the principle of a few.
Plan ahead: battery power less than three
The best way to prevent suddenly without electricity, battery is usually pay more attention to "SOS" from their car. Shortage of power battery performance mainly have three: one is the starter does not turn or turn the faint, that he can't a starter; The second is headlights dark than usual; Three speaker volume is small and even.
In order to minimize the power consumption of the battery, Jiang construction put forward two Suggestions: first, to avoid under the condition of the engine off lights for a long time or listen to the radio. Second, even if the engine is running, if stop for a long time, also should have the unnecessary use of electrical equipment (inside and outside the car lights and audio, navigation, etc.) of the power off.
Infrastructure, said Jiang actually mentioned above three omen of battery power shortage in the process of driving is not difficult to detect, but there are many car owners did not put them with the battery power is insufficient, thought is only a matter of intermittent small without care, finally caused the situation of drive midway suddenly without electricity.
Response: connect the rescue vehicle battery three attention
Battery without electricity, cart starter is the most familiar and most efficient method of emergency starting, but this is a kind of means of have no, can't use, because to do so on engine and clutch has certain damage, automatic-shift cars especially starting to avoid using this method.
Jiang infrastructure reminds, in case of battery suddenly without electricity, should contact the rescue vehicle and then connect the jumper cable, through the rescue vehicle temporary charge, by starting the engine is the right thing to do." In order to avoid the battery can't charge when there is no electricity, the owner should prepare a jumper cable in the car, which in general auto parts store. Could you buy"
And jumper cable connectors, never make a mistake of the jumper cable connection order: it will be no electricity to the positive terminal of the battery with the positive terminal of the rescue vehicle battery connection, again will rescue vehicle battery negative terminal indoor metal parts connected with no charge engine (ground).Jumper cable connection, can rescue vehicle engine starting, and slightly improve the speed of the engine, about 5 minutes, can to the battery is rechargeable battery. Charging is completed, should be in contrary to connect the jumper cable order to remove the jumper cable.
Special remind: emergency charging four attention to details
At the time of emergency battery charging, there are four must especially pay attention to details." Otherwise could cause major accidents such as fire, explosion, burn." Jiang infrastructure reminds.
First of all, the negative terminals of rescue vehicle must indoor metal parts connected to engine with no charge, if not directly connected to the negative terminal of battery and which sparks; Second, connect the jumper cable, must not let the positive and negative terminal contact, otherwise will produce spark; Again, don't close to the battery when charging. Because the dilute sulphuric acid in the liquid battery and may, if spray can cause damage to the eyes and skin, one thousand liquid glued to the body, a lot of water after washing to hospital for treatment; Finally, the connection or remove the jumper cable, should as far as possible away from the place such as fan, belt, in order to avoid the hands or clothes were involved in an accident.
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