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The plane burst into flames, is worth to pay close attention to the quality and safety of the lithium battery

Aug 28, 2019   Pageview:775

On February 25, took place on a China southern flight passengers mobile power (charging treasure) accidental fire incident, fortunately, the plane has yet to take off, timely handling crew properly, did not have further disaster.

As the trend of international low carbon and environmental protection, our country in recent years The lithium battery The market welcomed rare development opportunity. The new energy vehicles, energy storage to body feeling balanced car, mobile power supply, etc., there are lithium everywhere The battery In the figure., according to data from the national ministry of battery manufacturing industry in our country main products in 2017,Lithium ion batteries The total output by 117894.Nature 70000, year-on-year growth of 31.25%;Battery manufacturing industry in our country the total export value of 924.800 million Yuan, rose 18.3%.

But, are frequent Lithium electricity Pool safety incident, also let everybody "pinched the 1" of lithium battery products. In addition to the above a fire incident, lithium battery recall also happen very often.

It is reported that recently the U.S. consumer product safety commission six importers balance 6 batches of Chinese-made car recall, the number up to 21300.The us believes that this balance 6 batches of car sales in the United States of lithium ion battery pack will overheat, in the process of consumers to use products smoking, the risk of fire or explosion. Said, has received three accident report, including 1 cause fire, cause a loss of $40000 in the home, but no injuries reported.

Why the lithium ion battery frequently ask for something? Industry experts said, as is often the case, good quality lithium ion battery is safe, but inferior lithium-ion battery pack is easy to appear abnormal situation, mainly caused by excessive rechargeable battery overheat, make positive to produce chemical changes, even cause a fire or explosion; Excessive discharge can also cause an accident, when the cathode contains oxide, can produce chemical reaction with the electrolyte, and heat release; Also some inferior battery may be caused by impurities ran into the electrolyte the above reaction.

Therefore, inspection and quarantine departments to remind the lithium battery production enterprises, pay attention to the quality problem such as the battery overheat, closely follow up country quality standard requirements; Also remind balanced car, mobile power supply and other production enterprises must choose quality reliable supplier, especially the lithium ion battery to choose carefully, Effectively mitigate the risk of rejection, recall or fire explosion due to overheating of batteries.

Battery China believes that the central economic work conference, made major judgment, the economic development of our country into a new era, the basic feature is our country's economy has been developed from high quality development stage of rapid growth stage. This should be lithium battery enterprises do a good job of the current and future a period basically follow, and product safety is the first, of course.

Small make up remind: lithium-ion batteries on the plane on fire?

In fact, the China southern airlines passengers mobile power after the accidental fire incident, some netizens question, think stewardess use bottled water fire extinguishing methods unprofessional, why not use the fire extinguisher? For lithium battery standard operation treatment on fire on board, the national civilspecial administration has detailed rules.

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