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Lithium battery diaphragm "coating expert" Xuran company attack course

Sep 10, 2019   Pageview:1009

Zheng Jun, Xuran company general manager, said: "the company on the basis of existing E30 products to speed up the production capacity and application, at the same time launched E31, E32 mixed coating series products, such as greater satisfaction power battery market, the energy density of coating membrane ratio, circulation, safety, quick charge, consistency, and other general properties of the above."

The rapidly expanding market demand and high gross margin, capital influx of diaphragm industry, has gradually formed with excess capacity.But high productivity does not necessarily mean high quality, the current domestic high-end diaphragm supply is still a gap.To make up the gap, a group of big enterprises paid a hard efforts, shenzhen xu however electronic co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "xu ran the company") is one of them.

As the first domestic start diaphragm coated business enterprises, since its inception, xu ran the company has always been positioning in the high-end market of diaphragm, adhere to the international famous diaphragm supplier Korea W - the SCOPE of high quality base membrane used in coating, and constantly develop and improve the coating technology, win the trust of customers depth, firmly occupies a important place in the field of high-end digital battery.

Power battery after the rise, the diaphragm increasingly high security, lightweight, more and more enterprises adopt coating method to optimize the diaphragm performance.As "coating expert", xu ran the company on the basis of optimization of safety performance, creative will mature use for many years in the field of digital battery E30 mixed with ceramic + (PVDF) products used in power battery, and get a good market.

Zheng Jun xu ran the company general manager, said: "in order to improve the power battery energy density, high nickel three yuan, silicon carbon negative such as new materials are widespread popularization, the products are provided by the company in order to assist in the application of new material system.Company on the basis of existing E30 products to speed up the production capacity and application, at the same time launched E31, E32 mixed coating series products, such as the satisfaction of a greater degree of coating membrane energy power battery market density, ratio, circulation, safety, quick charge, consistency, and so on comprehensive performance of the above."

The pursuit of high-end exquisite workmanship

Xu ran the company in the field of diaphragm coated, thanks to the sharp market sense of smell and the pursuit of high quality the diaphragm.

As early as in the domesticThe lithium batteryAt the beginning of the rise, application of the diaphragm is given priority to with membrane by dry fermentation.With the improving of the lithium battery performance requirements, the wet membrane application gradually expanded, basilemma alone is difficult to meet the demand of terminal application, coating technology arises at the historic moment.

Understands the diaphragm industry law of development of xu is keenly aware of the business opportunities, holding the coated diaphragm market expectations for the future, swiftly into coating technology research and development in 2012, and in the implements batch supply, become coated membrane first to eat crab in the field of enterprise.

"The spirit of the pioneer pushing xu ran the company took a key step, then can quickly become a" leader "in the field of coating membrane mainly thanks to:

1, the company procurement basilemma weiwei, strict detection and control of its porosity, acupuncture strength, tensile strength and so on comprehensive quality;2, coating products of the company are based on independent research and development, with multiple patents independently.On the production process control, the company through the improvement and optimization of production equipment, make coating product rolled yield up to more than 93%, far higher than the yield of peers.

Xu however air company deputy general manager of Ming said: "the company production equipment, and had our own design and improvement ideas, and obtained a number of invention patents.For example: cutting equipment using advanced independent brake technology, micro cutting and winding tension;Achieved full station automatic coating equipment and volume, zero tension winding;Implements the coater with coated side, double side, synchronization.This greatly improved the yield of coating products.Our coating product qualified rate of 99% or more."

Xu ran the company to the quality approach to cooperation, achieve win-win results.

South Korea in 2012 W - SCOPE listed successfully in Japan, xu ran accounted for 80% of its shipments;South Korea in 2015 W - SCOPE gradually increase 4 production lines, xu ran accounted for 60% of its shipments and keep still.Xu ran their own sales company is also rising year after year, in the industry won a good reputation, has accumulated a large number of high-quality lithium battery customers.

Aiming at dynamic power base membrane

Power battery market is driving wet coating diaphragm for rapid growth.High yield research institute of lithium electricity (GGII) research shows that since 2017, wet the diaphragm market demand rapid growth, growth is greater than the dry diaphragm.At the same time,Three yuan power batteryRising proportion and digitalSoft package batteryYield increase, drive the wet coating diaphragm sales increase.

Under this background, the base film and coating companies are overweight capacity expansion, to seize market opportunities.In the field of coating membrane and has been the foundation of deep xu ran company again in the top in counterparts.After the ceramic diaphragm coated products are being used by bulk power battery enterprises, various performance especially ratio is very good performance.

With the acceleration of power battery performance improvement, improving the performance of one of the key materials of coating membrane is listed as one of the important direction.In order to be able to perfect the support power battery performance (including the energy density, ratio, safety, cycle, fast charge, etc.) for upgrading, xu ran further optimization of the mix coated products of the company, the current mixed coating products are receiving large enterprises of power battery testing certification.

It is important to note that the current power battery industry is undergoing a subsidy TuiPo pain, some power battery enterprises to reduce costs, better to ignore the quality to choose cheap diaphragm.Linked to the fate of the diaphragm enterprise seriously affected.Since the beginning of 2018, the diaphragm price aggressive battle, part of the diaphragm enterprises will be the price on the mesa publicly.

Under industry chaos, some great power battery enterprises is not heavy, almost low to dare to use any film.Digital battery, by contrast, more seriously than power battery seems to be the quality of the diaphragm.If power battery can also by the quality first, believe it will go better.In the future, high quality, high technology products will lead the market.Xu ran coated products can meet the needs of the future high-end market.

On the basis of consistent quality, reasonable power battery diaphragm through a variety of ways to reduce costs, to obtain the highest ratio of products, is the tao of long-term healthy and sustainable development.To this, xu but also in continuous efforts, by improving the production process, improve product yield;Second, is base on the planning of film production line, cost reduction through its basement membrane.

Although nearly two years industry capital influx of diaphragm, diaphragm industry caused by continuous focus to expand production scale, product overall price, gross margin in cliff diving, the high-end diaphragm capacity in deep mire "price war", but xu ran membrane production line planning base on company has its own considerations.

Understands high lithium electricity, xu ran the company top mostly belong to the professional and technical personnel, for many years continuous attention basilemma line, very know for its technology.This means that after putting in place a base film production equipment, the company can be achieved and put into production soon.The future "sell high-end wet diaphragm + independent patent coating technology" will let xu ran the company in the field of high-end diaphragm more cost advantage.

Zheng Jun revealed, xu company expansion pace has built up a clear timetable:

1, xu ran the company plans to introduce more advanced German 10 basal membrane production line, annual production capacity is expected to reach 1.2 billion square meters;2, has ordered Nishimura Japanese cutting machine 20 units;3 order, has wide wide, faster, and high precision coating machine 15 units;4, plans, log in capital market, in the listed company mergers &acquisition to negotiate at the same time, considering the independent declaration for IPO.

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