22 Years' Battery Customization

How long is the life of a car battery?

Sep 03, 2019   Pageview:642

In general, the service life of a car battery is as follows:


Car batteries have a normal service life of about 2-3 years.


Car batteries can be divided into two types. First, maintenance-free batteries, and second, ordinary batteries.


Ordinary batteries are also called lead-acid batteries. The main advantage of this type of battery is that it is cheap and the voltage is relatively stable. The shortcomings are also obvious and require frequent daily maintenance. The height of the electrolyte needs to be checked regularly and distilled water added.


No maintenance battery. It is not necessary to regularly check the height of the electrolyte and add distilled water during the service life. At the same time, it also has many advantages of small size, high temperature resistance, and earthquake resistance. This battery, after all, is simple and simple. The downside is that it is more expensive than ordinary batteries.


If you want to increase the service life of the battery, you must pay attention to the usual maintenance and care, and do not have the habit of hurting the battery. Battery life is about to expire will generally feel that the front lights of the car have not been lit before, or when the weather is relatively cold, the car can not fire. If something like that happens, check to see if it's time to replace the battery.


In general, the original battery of the new car can be used for 3-4 years, but after a replacement, it usually needs to be replaced for about 2 years.


The life of a car battery is related to various factors such as car conditions, road conditions, driver's habits and maintenance status. People who lack common sense in vehicle use do not pay attention to maintenance and may be broken for half a year. In general, the more new batteries are saved, because the motors are easy to use, and the generators are easy to use. The batteries can be fully charged. After the car is old, especially after the two large motor generators are replaced, especially if they have not been replaced with original factory accessories. Under the circumstances, The battery replacement time is even shorter.


A device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called a chemical battery, which is generally referred to simply as a battery. After discharge, the internal active material can be regenerated by charging-the electrical energy is stored as chemical energy; When discharge is required, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy again. This type of battery is called a battery, also known as a secondary battery.


The so-called battery is an electrical and chemical device that stores chemical energy and emits electrical energy when necessary.


A battery is a device that converts chemical energy directly into electrical energy. It is a rechargeable battery designed to recharge through a reversible chemical reaction. It usually refers to a lead-acid battery. It is a type of battery and belongs to a secondary battery. Its working principle: When charging, it uses external electrical energy to regenerate the internal active material, store the electrical energy as chemical energy, and convert the chemical energy into electrical energy output again when it is needed to discharge, such as mobile phone batteries commonly used in life.


It uses a lead-based grid(also known as a lattice) filled with cavernous lead as a negative electrode, a lead-based grid filled with lead dioxide as a positive electrode, and a dilute sulfuric acid with a density of 1.26 -- 1.33 g/mlg/ml as an electrolyte. When the battery is discharged, the metal lead is negative, and oxidation occurs to produce lead sulfate; Lead dioxide is a positive electrode and a reduction reaction occurs to produce lead sulfate. When the battery is charged with DC, the two poles produce lead and lead dioxide, respectively. After removing the power supply, it returns to its pre-discharge state and forms a chemical battery. The lead battery can be repeatedly charged and discharged. Its monomer voltage is 2V. The battery is a battery consisting of one or more monomers, referred to as a battery, the most common is 6V, and the others are 2V, 4V, 8V, and 24V. Battery. For example, a battery(commonly known as a battery) used in a car is a battery pack of six lead batteries connected in series to 12V.


For traditional dry lead batteries(such as automobile dry charge batteries, motorcycle dry charge batteries, etc.), distilled water must be supplemented after a period of time, so that dilute sulfuric acid electrolytes maintain a density of 1.28 g/ml; For maintenance-free batteries, distilled water is no longer required to be added until the end of life.


Chemical principles


The equation is as follows:


Total reaction: Pb(s) + PbO2(s) + 2H2SO4(AQ) reversible symbol 2PbSO4(s) + 2H2O(L)


Discharge: negative Pb(s) -2e-+ SO42-(AQ) = PbSO4(s)


PbO2(s) + 2e-+ SO42-(AQ) + 4H +(AQ) = PbSO4(s) + 2H2O(L)


Total Pb(s) + PbO2(s) + 2H2SO4(AQ) = 2PbSO4(s) + 2H2O(L)


Electrolytic cell during charging


Cathode PbSO4(s) + 2e-= Pb(s) + SO42-(AQ)


Anode PbSO4(s) + 2H2O(L)-2e-= Pbo2(s) + SO42-(AQ) + 4H +(a)


Note (negative pole when cathode discharge when charging)


Physical composition


The main components of the lead battery are as follows:


Anode plate(lead peroxide. PbO2) -- & GT; Active substances


Cathode plate(cavernous lead. Pb) -- & GT; Active substances


Electrolyte(dilute sulfuric acid) -- -- Sulfate(H2SO4) + Distilled Water(H2O)


Battery case, cover(PPABS flame retardant)


Isolation Board(AGM)


Safety valve


Positive and negative poles, etc..


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