Aug 30, 2019 Pageview:655
Rice university and lockheed Martin researchers say they have found a way to improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries using a single crystal of silicon. The technology could be used to develop batteries for electric cars, helping to produce new types of batteries with more energy, longer life spans and more cycles of charging/changing.
American universities are pushing new technology to improve battery performance in electric cars
he technology, led by sibanli sabiswal, an assistant professor of chemistry and biomolecular engineering at rice university, was published earlier this month on the ChemistryofMaterials website, which is edited by the American chemical society. Replacing graphite in conventional batteries with monocrystalline silicon is a key step in this technology.
A new type of lithium-ion battery using this technology has a larger capacity than ordinary batteries, and another experiment showed that monocrystalline silicon was 10 times more capable of absorbing lithium than graphite. This means that if the technology enters commercial production, the battery performance and service life of electric vehicles will be greatly improved.
It is understood that the new battery technology research and development work has been the lockheed Martin high-end nano research center (LockheedMarTInAdvancedNanotechnologyCenterofExcellence) support. Lockheed Martin is a usspecial manufacturer and by far the world's largest defence industry contractor by turnover. Rice university and lockheed Martin researchers say they have found a way to improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries using a single crystal of silicon. The technology could be used to develop batteries for electric cars, helping to produce new types of batteries with more energy, longer life spans and more cycles of charging/changing.
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