22 Years' Battery Customization

How can the durability of power cells be guaranteed?

Sep 06, 2019   Pageview:708

Electric cars, like fuel cars, require our daily maintenance, but electric cars are more expensive than fuel. After we have a car, we pay more attention to maintaining its heart -- power batteries. Power batteries are like fuel tanks. Power source power. We need to maintain the power cells correctly in order to ensure their durability. So what are the methods and techniques of maintenance?


Skill 1: No power loss during storage


Power cells are strictly forbidden to be in a deficit state when stored. Loss of power means that the battery is not charged in time after use. When the battery is placed in a deficit state, it is easy to undergo sulfuric acid salinization. Lead sulfate crystals adhere to the polar plate, blocking the ion channel, causing insufficient charging and reduced battery capacity. The longer the power loss is idle, the more damaged the battery will be. Therefore, when the battery is idle, it should be recharged once a month, so that the battery can be maintained in good health.


Skills 2: Periodic Inspection


During the use process, if the range of the electric vehicle suddenly drops by more than ten kilometers in a short period of time, it is very likely that at least one cell in the battery pack will have a short circuit such as a broken grid, a softening of the polar plate, and a shedding of the active material of the polar plate. At this point, should be in time to professional battery repair institutions for inspection, repair or distribution group. This can extend the battery's life relative to the maximum savings.


Tip 3: Avoid high current discharge


Electric vehicles in the start, manned, uphill, please use pedal power, as far as possible to avoid instantaneous discharge of large current. High current discharge can easily lead to lead sulfate crystallization, thus impairing the physical properties of the power cell electrode plate.


Electric vehicles can not be placed outside when it rains, which can easily lead to paralysis and excessive frequency of damage. Not good for battery maintenance. Always pay attention to whether the charger is good or bad and whether it is damaged to avoid a certain reflection of the maintenance of the electric vehicle and the burning of the battery.


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