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Why do lead-acid batteries require better management?

Sep 06, 2019   Pageview:706

When it comes to lead-acid batteries, people often immediately talk about his pollution of the environment and rush to conclude that it should not be developed. In fact, lead-acid batteries have the highest recovery rate of any battery, and they are not discarded like other batteries and pollute the environment.


In general, lead-acid battery pollution can occur in three stages.


The first is the mining and smelting of lead ore. This mainly occurs in small factories and mines that use "soil methods". If local protectionism can be overcome, small factories and mines can be rebuilt or shut down within a limited period of time, and this part of the pollution can be technically eliminated.


The second is the lead acid battery production link. Some large companies have done a good job of environmental protection and safety in the manufacturing process. In addition, companies have won the title of "National Environmental Friendly Enterprise", which shows that lead-acid batteries can control pollution in the production process. Of course, there are also a considerable number of lead-acid battery manufacturers that still need to strengthen pollution control. To solve the problem of pollution control in this link, first of all, the relevant departments are required to strictly issue production licenses. The production plants with serious pollution should be treated within a limited period of time, and the license issuing departments should be responsible for revoking production licenses when they reach the expiration date. It is worth mentioning that there have been some cases where companies have moved factories instead of cleaning up pollution, and the government should strictly stop this behavior.


The third is the regeneration of waste lead-acid batteries. Now lead-acid battery regeneration link commonly used dry regeneration technology, the disadvantage is that the lead recovery rate is not high, energy consumption is not low, should upgrade. In addition, manual lead-acid battery regeneration should be resolutely banned "workshops." At present, there are mature new technologies for battery regeneration in China, which can reduce the power consumption to 350 kilowatt-hours per ton and recover 98.5 %. This new technology should accelerate the industrialization and minimize the pollution of lead-acid battery regeneration.


To sum up, there is indeed a pollution problem in the lead-acid battery production chain in our country. However, this problem is not caused by the so-called "old" and "backward" lead-acid batteries. It is a management problem and can be solved through hard work. As long as the relevant departments and local governments take serious responsibility and effectively manage, they will surely be able to do as well as the European and American countries in the treatment of lead pollution. Therefore, we can not abandon the use of lead-acid batteries and no longer support its development.


However, the current situation is that in China, the development of lead-acid batteries is not supported by government funding. A large number of scientific and technological personnel have to change their research direction. Large companies have to spend a lot of money to purchase foreign technology and equipment. Small enterprises have to participate in unfair competition at low cost. Environmental pollution; Coupled with poor management, it has formed an industrial pattern where advanced technology and backward technology production coexist, which has not only disrupted the market but also corrupted the reputation of lead-acid batteries.


At present, lead-acid battery technology continues to develop, and its specific power and specific energy can continue to improve. In particular, extending life span is not only conducive to saving energy, saving materials, reducing the cost of electricity storage more effectively, but also reducing the workload of battery regeneration and directly reducing lead pollution. Foreign lead-acid batteries can make 6,000 cycles, and we should also work in this direction to make one battery top ten and allow lead-acid batteries to make a greater contribution to our economic and social development.


Lead acid batteries are old trees, old trees can sprout, it is not out of date, in the foreseeable future will not be out of date.


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