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How long is the solar panel life cycle?

Sep 05, 2019   Pageview:762

Solar panels have a long life cycle, and some solar panels installed in the 1890s still generate clean electricity -- but their durability comes from their economic costs.


In order to give solar panels 25 years or more of life, various expensive sealants and protective layers are used on solar panels.


To help protect fragile crystalline silicon solar cells in assemblies, many manufacturers use expensive EVA adhesives for coating. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems (CSE) have been studying alternative materials that can be used in solar cells.


One of the materials is silicone, which is neither an inorganic crystal nor an organic polymer, but is related to both. Can not be confused with Silicon, silicone is inert, is a synthetic compound in various forms and uses.


While various silicone mixtures are used to encapsulate photovoltaic components, the substance has not been widely used in laminated solar cells themselves.


Fraunhofer researchers have prepared a prototype of a silicone laminated battery and placed it in an artificial climate chamber under low temperature and cyclic loads. Battery chips were then tested for Flash and electronic fluorescence imaging.


Comparison with conventional solar cell components shows that the Silicon coated photovoltaic cells have more resistant cyclic loads during strong winds, especially at ultra-low temperatures of minus 40 degrees Celsius.


Other news from Fraunhofer, the organization has announced the official launch of OTF-1, a Fraunhofer in the new photovoltaic outdoor test site in Albuquerque, New Mexico. As the sustainable energy system(CSE) extended by the existing Albuquerque Solar Energy Research Center, the agency will provide great help to manufacturers of photovoltaic components and components in assessing the performance and durability of their products in reality. And help system integrators collect important data on performance and life expectancy.


The Fraunhofer Association is the largest application-oriented research institution in Europe. It contains more than 80 research individuals, including 60 Fraunhofer institutes in different parts of Germany, as well as research centers and representative offices in Europe, the United States, Asia and other parts of the Middle East.


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