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Jiangsu Salt Cave compressed air energy storage project is about to start

Sep 24, 2019   Pageview:1060

In August, the summer has passed, and the season of harvest has arrived. China Energy Construction Jiangsu Institute (hereinafter referred to as “Jiangsu Institute”) will submit the feasibility study report of Zhongyan Jintan Salinization Co., Ltd. based on the salt cavern compressed air smart grid energy storage system project (hereinafter referred to as “Salt Cave Energy Storage Project”). For the owners, take the first step into the energy storage market.


Since winning the bid for the project in July, the staff of Jiangsu Institute has been both nervous and pleasantly surprised. The tension is about to enter a new field. Surprise is that after several years of accumulation and precipitation, in the gradual rise of energy storage technology, Jiangsu Institute timely grasped Lived a good opportunity.


The opportunity to enter the salt cave energy storage has become a market. The energy and power market situation is changing rapidly, and the opportunities are fleeting. "On the one hand, we must maintain the traditional advantages, on the other hand, we must find out the pulse of the industry development, and gradually integrate CSP, multi-energy, and various energy storage projects into the development plan." When it comes to transformation, the vice president of Jiangsu Power Generation Engineering Co., Ltd. Manager Xinfeng Ge said.


The Salt Cave Energy Storage Project is a national pilot demonstration project and a frontier in the field of energy storage. The project was invested by Zhongyan Jintan Salinization Co., Ltd., Tsinghua University provided technology, and Jiangsu Institute was responsible for design.


According to reports, Jintan salt basin is the best large-scale salt mine in the eastern part of China. With the help of salt cave compressed air energy storage technology, underground salt cave resources can be fully utilized, and compressed air is the main mechanism to realize energy storage conversion.


Through this new technology, when the electricity is low, it can absorb the “discarding energy” and convert it into the internal potential energy of the air molecules. When the electricity peak arrives, the molecular potential energy is released to make it work for power generation, which can greatly improve the time and space of power generation structure, to achieve "peak emergency" and "frequency modulation".


“In combination with the development of load and renewable energy development in the project area, we have the conditions to build a microgrid project based on the salt cave air energy storage power generation system. In the long run, we have a development scale of a million kilowatts of salt cavern compressed air energy storage power supply. To build a large-scale peak-shaving power base for Jiangsu Province, forming a cluster of advantageous industrial clusters in Jintan, effectively driving local economic development.” Xiaofeng Ge, general manager of Jiangsu Power Generation Engineering Co., Ltd. said.


"The biggest difficulty at present is that everything is brand new, new processes, new ideas, new standards, and high-intensity learning and digestion." Li Ji, head of the project's maintenance department, said.


The blue ocean of the market belongs to the crab-eater who dares to fight. What can be expected is that, only after the project is completed, as the first set of salt cave compressed air energy storage power station at home and abroad, it will provide valuable case experience and market performance for Jiangsu Institute, and become the leader in mastering the high-end design technology of future smart energy system.


Bring together the strength of the eight parties to build demonstration projects to speed up! Come on!


In mid-March, through expert argumentation, on May 27th, the salt cave energy storage project was approved. Jiangsu Institute of Rapid Action, together with the owner to go to Guizhou Bijie research, visited Bijie compressed air energy storage system. After comparison, it was found that "one is a salt cave on the land, one is 10 megawatts and the other is 60 megawatts. There is still an essential difference between the two." Ji Li said.


Subsequently, the Jiangsu Institute also consulted foreign materials, and still did not find a case for direct reference.


Opportunities are not allowed, and actions are slow. The Jiangsu Institute adjusted its deployment and deployed more than 20 professional and technical backbones to form a design team. Everything started with “zero”.


Time and time again, one after another technical discussion, on-sitespecial as much as possible "drip water does not leak", the capital collection must be found to find the entry point, the overall project installation plan has gradually taken shape, the system process flow chart is initially completed, material balance The relationship is already in place. In theory, the project will achieve a conversion efficiency of more than 60%, breaking through the key technical problems.


Since it is the "frontier in the frontier", it is necessary to make the design "good plus". The design team further studied the use of air compression heat to heat, using the low-temperature air generated by the adiabatic expansion of high-pressure air for cooling, and the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection throughout the entire process, making full use of resources to ensure high efficiency.


Skilled in "heading down" and diligently "looking up and looking at the road"


To undertake new types of business, it is necessary to experience the impact of new and old concepts, the transformation of new and old roles, and the change of new and old technologies. "Since we choose to follow the trend and work hard, we must firmly grasp the most advanced and cutting-edge technologies, driven by technological innovation. Force, strengthen capacity building, and build the core competitiveness of enterprises." Shenghua Cai, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Jiangsu Institute.


The Jiangsu Institute pays close attention to the development of important technologies at home and abroad and flexibly grasps the technical needs of energy construction. While striving for and implementing regular projects, it pays attention to technology accumulation and carries out key technical research. It is not only good at “going down”, but also diligently “looking up”. Look at the road." Not only focus on compressed air energy storage projects, but also actively involved in new fields such as smart energy, energy storage, distributed photovoltaic, microgrid, smart distribution network, solar thermal power generation, offshore wind power, etc., to cultivate new formats.


In order to promote the implementation of the project, the Jiangsu Institute system planning and rational allocation, respectively set up a special working group such as smart energy, energy storage power station, active distribution network, solar thermal power generation, multi-energy complementarity, etc., to carry out special research and exploration in a targeted manner. Different new ways of production organization, pay attention to professional technology inheritance, cultivate cross-professional technical capabilities, and strengthen the construction of core backbone teams.


"We require every employee to take responsibility and craftsmanship to meet new challenges." Shenghua Cai said. Driven by scientific and technological innovation, Jiangsu Institute will rely on high-quality services to carry out market operations in line with the national energy policy and power reform direction, and build new achievements in new business areas around the goal of “clean, efficient, intelligent and interconnected”.


Compressed air energy storage is an emerging technology. The salt cave is the mine hole left after the salt mine is mined. It is huge and well sealed, and the underground salt cavern has become a good sealed reservoir. The use of salt caves to build a compressed air energy storage power station has three advantages: first, long life, low cost, high economy, and the system energy storage efficiency can reach 58.2%, which is an international advanced level and can be implemented. Second, China's salt cave resources are abundant and widely distributed, which can satisfactorily meet the peak demand for renewable energy consumption in the north and west regions and the eastern load region. Third, it is of great significance to promote the research and development of large-scale physical energy storage technology and equipment in China, and support the rapid development of China's smart grid.


The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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