Aug 24, 2019 Pageview:637
The huawei honor 6, a phone that went on sale in 2014, had a little-reported battery problem. In fact, cell phone battery problems are nothing new, except that this year they've been a bit of a slap in the face for a bunch of big-name tech companies.
If all the gadget makers were asked to name the most "explosive" mobile news of the year (none), I'm afraid samsung phones would be hard to beat. When will samsung be able to take its much-anticipated GalaxyNote7 with a whole new galaxy note? You never know.
Samsung and apple all fall under the spell of lithium battery technology companies
But lets "the fruit fan" and eats the melon populace to have not thought is, the apple actually also faints on the hand mechanical and electrical pool. Earlier this month, apple also because of mobile phone batteries, had to be published on the website "the information on the iPhone and accidental shutdown", iPhone6s users against reflected in the iPhone and half 80% even under the condition of electricity, the cause of the automatic shutdown, and said will be free to be affected by the equipment replacement battery - this time including the Chinese users.
Samsung and apple all fall under the spell of lithium battery technology companies
Battery problems are like tech company mantras, a constant source of embarrassment. But why batteries?
The volume and energy density of the battery is the focus of manufacturers. Everyone is crazy to pack a little more and more electric energy into the limited volume, so that their mobile phones can have a longer life. However, the battery does not allow. Under the current technical conditions, especially limited by battery materials, the improvement of battery energy density is a gradual process. On the basis of existing battery materials, it is quite good to increase the energy density by 2% to 3% every year -- this has long been the consensus of the industry. Unfortunately, the development of the electronics industry, relative to energy storage, is a manifestation of what is known as Moore's law: the number of transistors that can fit on an integrated circuit chip is growing exponentially, roughly doubling every 18 months. That leaves a terrible gap between the performance of electronics and the energy density of batteries.
However, handset makers are not giving up. With the energy density of the phone's battery already approaching its limit, the company is still trying to squeeze the space for auxiliary materials to "slim down" the battery and squeeze out the last bit of potential for power increase. However, "thin" and "safe" in the mobile phone lithium battery is difficult to have both. So...
Wake up. Whatever you are, safety comes first.
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