Aug 26, 2019 Pageview:747
With increased demand for the Tesla Model 3, Panasonic will increase its superplant gigamory's 2170 battery output by more than 30 % by the end of 2018.
In an effort to boost production, Panasonic will add three lithium-ion battery lines to Gigafactory, with a total of 13 lines, the report said. This is necessary for Panasonic to support Tesla's demand for 5,000 Model 3 units per week. The production capacity of the new production line is also 30 % more than the existing production line of Gigafactory.
So far, the production of Model 3 has been a bottleneck, and has led to restrictions on the production of Gigafactory's batteries, modules and packaging, so as not to exceed the battery requirements required for vehicles produced by the Fremont factory in Tesla and Tesla Energy Powerwalls and Powerpacks produced in Gigafactory.
However, the Japanese media stated that in order to meet the high demand rate of 5,000 Model 3 units per week, "Panasonic was forced to respond, for example, to convert batteries such as home batteries to Model3 batteries. "
The new production line allows Panasonic to produce enough batteries to meet the current Tesla Model 3 demand without dismantling Renhetesila's energy products. They gave Panasonic the ability to produce all its initially estimated 35GWh batteries to support the expected productivity of 5,000 units per week in the Tesla Model 3.
Tesla initially estimated that Gigafactory's total production capacity was 35 gigawatts and the total investment was 5 billion U.S. dollars. Although more detailed design is completed, these estimates are expected to be far exceeded in terms of productive capacity and capital expenditure.
Matsushita's share of the investment is about 30 per cent, a strategic partner operating at Gigafactory. In addition, Panasonic may also cooperate with Tesla again at Tesla Gigafactory3 in Shanghai, but this has yet to be confirmed. Tesla is also reportedly in talks with Germany and the Netherlands over its fourth Gigafactory plant, which will serve European markets.
The page contains the contents of the machine translation.
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