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Who could have been better than BYD in the nines? New energy enterprise development

Sep 03, 2019   Pageview:659

After winning the Volkswagen order in March, only one month later, the Ningde era signed two international car brands, Nissan and Daimler, and the international market expanded further.


It is reported that at the Beijing Motor Show on May 2, Nissan announced that it will launch more than 20 electric vehicles into the domestic car market in the next five years. Dong feng Nissan's first pure electric car gave up its original Japanese batteries and switched to domestic ones. The Ningde era battery is fully replaced. In addition, according to foreign media reports, on May 2, German local time, Daimler Group procurement director said that Daimler Group has signed a contract with Ningde Times New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Ningde era into Daimler's battery supply chain system.


In a short period of two months, the Ningde era of IPO lightning has won international singles. This is for many domestic power battery companies that intend to enter the international market. The Ningde era has undoubtedly taken the lead in the industry. The reason why it was able to outperform in the industry and achieve a major outbreak, Zhoufatao, Secretary General of the Guangdong New Energy Automobile Industry Association, analyzed the Times Weekly reporter and said, "This is actually its product and technology research and development. Years of accumulated results."


However, a number of companies including Guoxuan Hi-Tech and Tianjin Lishen have released their willingness to expand into the international market. Will the Ningde era form a unique situation in China after winning the favor of internationally renowned automakers? After Ningde, who can be the second lucky winner of the international big list? In addition, in the face of Japan, South Korea and other countries, such as Samsung, Panasonic and other international leading companies, China's power battery to sea can shake the established market share?


In the era of Ningde?


Before becoming a Nissan and Daimler power battery supplier in Ningde era, on March 13 this year, Volkswagen Group CEO Muller revealed in the 2017 financial year of the Volkswagen Group that the Ningde era became the first China identified by the company. Battery partners, and as of that time, Volkswagen Group has reached a cooperation with the two markets in Europe and China, the amount of battery purchase orders has reached 20 billion EUR.


Although the Ningde era has not announced the relevant production capacity and cooperation details with Nissan and Daimler, since the market valuation of 130 billion yuan listed in November last year, many progress in the Ningde era has been like pressing the shortcut key. .


In the prospectus updated on March 12, the Ningde era disclosed that its power battery system sales in 2015, 2016 and 2017 were 2.19 GWh, 6.80 GWh, and 11.84 GWh, respectively. In 2017, Ningde era achieved revenue of 199.9.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 34 billion yuan, and realized a net profit of 3.972 billion yuan from the parent company, an increase of 3.14 % year-on-year.


It is worth noting that a data from the TGII, cited in the prospectus, shows that in 2017, the Ningde era surpassed Matsushita and BYD in one fell swoop, becoming the world's No. 1 supplier of power battery sales; In the Ningde era, it also has a market share of 27%, which is 11% higher than the second-ranked BYD.


Unexpectedly, with Daimler’s announcement of holding the Ningde era, BYD, which has been working with it for eight years, has not become Daimler’s primary choice. In this regard, Zhoufatao in an interview with the Times Weekly reporter pointed out that Daimler’s judgment may be based on the choice of the two companies’ routes. “Because the new energy vehicle puts higher energy density requirements on the power battery, it is in the ternary lithium battery. The Ningde era, which has greater capacity and cost advantages, is undoubtedly more in line with the needs of future development."


In the development of power cell technology, lithium ternary and lithium iron phosphate are two mainstream routes, but compared to lithium iron phosphate, lithium ternary batteries have higher energy density and stronger endurance. It is understood that BYD was one of the first car companies to develop lithium iron phosphate power batteries. Since then, it has also insisted on the lithium iron phosphate route, and has been adhering to the Ningde era where the two routes of lithium trioxide and lithium iron phosphate were parallel. In today's three-way lithium field has a prominent advantage.


According to the statistics of China Automobile Industry Association, in 2017, among the top ten enterprises in China, the Ningde era ranked first with 4.63GWh of ternary lithium installed capacity, accounting for more than 10GWh. It reached 44.52%, followed by Waterma and Bick Power, respectively 2.33GWh and 1.71GWh, and the rest were no more than 1GWh. BYD, whose total installed capacity fell to second place, had lithium iron phosphate and ternary lithium of 4.58 GWh and 0.85 GWh, respectively..


Accompanied by the era of Ningde signed a large number of automotive companies, through the scale of production to reduce costs in the Ningde era, in the future will there be a dominant industry? In this regard, Zhoufatao expressed his disagreement. He analyzed that the power battery industry has indeed emerged in the past two years. The market has further concentrated on the top companies, but the competition in the entire industry is still very fierce. Once there is new technology R&D and innovation, That will change the industry and even bring disruptive changes. "It is hard to say who can be single or who can surpass who. With capital and technology, it can grow rapidly."


Zhoufatao further analyzed: "In fact, the concentration of market share in the industry has certain benefits. Small companies lack conditions for technology research and development. If the market is concentrated, it will help companies improve their quality. BYD powered batteries had an absolute share of the market before the Ningde era became the power battery sales champion in 2017, and in the first three months of this year, BYD's installed capacity was once again ahead of the Ningde era, so that you will come and go. Can bring a virtuous circle to the industry. "


It is understood that in 2017, the total installed power of the new energy vehicle(EV + PHEV) power battery was about 36.24 GWh, of which the total power battery company with the top 10 installed power capacity was about 26.22 Wh, accounting for the overall 72.3 <UNK>.


Who's the second lucky guy?


In fact, in the first half of 2018, the outbreak of the Ningde era in the international market behind the European and American auto companies in the field of new energy vehicles.


The above-mentioned Volkswagen Group announced the "RoadmapE" electrification strategy in 2017. According to the plan, by 2025, Volkswagen hopes to reach 3 million electric vehicle production per year including Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche and other brands. The 150 GWh battery has a total purchase amount of up to 50 billion Euros. In addition, the Daimler Group will also invest 10 billion EURS in research and development of new energy vehicles. By 2022, Daimler is expected to release more than 50 new energy vehicles, including more than 10 pure electric vehicles.


It can be seen that with many auto companies in the new competition in new energy vehicles, the demand for power batteries will be very large, domestic power battery companies are aimed at the European and American markets.


In fact, while bidding for power battery suppliers such as Volkswagen and Daimler in the era of Ningde, there have also been some domestic bids for other power batteries, and Volkswagen recently stated that it will seek another power battery in China. supplier, But who can be the second lucky man after the era of ningde?


Zhou Fatao believes that domestic industry leaders including BYD, Guoxuan Hi-Tech, Waterma, BAK Power and Tianjin Lishen are all possible. However, the ability to obtain the favor of these brands depends on the quality and technical content of the products. Many companies actually produce ternary lithium batteries, but the production capacity is too small and does not have scale advantages. Compared with Panasonic and LG, which currently have international leading advantages, some domestic quality products have their own advantages, but in some respects. There are also gaps."


It is worth noting that in the past six months, BYD, Tianjin Lishen and Guoxuan Hi-Tech have made adjustments. In order to speed up the pace of transformation, since last year, BYD has launched a production project for ternary lithium batteries on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has opened its closed business model for the power battery industry. It is expected that BYD’s power battery company will be listed separately in 2022 or 2023. .


In addition, on May 4, Guoxuan Hi-Tech said on the investor interaction platform that the company has been communicating and communicating with Volkswagen, and the company will strive to enter the world-class vehicle brand supply chain. On April 23, the media reported that Chinese battery manufacturer Tianjin Lishen Co., Ltd. plans to open a sales office in Germany, while the company is working with local cars including Volkswagen and Daimler. Vendors are negotiating to provide batteries for the electric vehicles of the above-mentioned automakers.


However, Zhoufatao pointed out that as domestic power companies sign up for overseas vehicle companies, domestic power battery companies will build factories overseas in the future, but because China is the world's largest market for new energy vehicles. Power cell companies will still be dominated by the domestic market.


The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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