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Evaluation of the White List of Power Cells and Fuel Cells commences

Sep 04, 2019   Pageview:707

"We will carry out the evaluation and release of the white list of automotive batteries and clean fuel cells. On April 26, Dongyang, executive vice president of the China Automobile Industry Association and chairman of the Forum Organizing Committee, said in a welcome speech at the 2018 China Automobile Forum that China's new energy vehicles are in a period of transition from policy cultivation to market-oriented development. The critical period, Power cells and clean fuel cells are the core resources for the development of new energy vehicles. For new energy vehicles technological progress, industrial upgrading, sustainable development, is crucial.


Evaluation of the White List of Power Cells and Fuel Cells commenced


To this end, according to the authorization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the China Automobile Industry Association and the China Automobile Alliance officially launched the evaluation of the self-regulatory white list of the automotive power cell and clean fuel cell industry since April 26, 2018. The management of today's white list of automotive power cells and clean fuel cells will be posted on websites such as the China Automobile Industry Association and the Innovation Alliance. The areas included in the evaluation of the white list include key materials, power cores, batteries, and related enterprises to file according to the principle of voluntariness. In May 2018, the white list will be issued in batches. The purpose of issuing the white list is to promote the selection of the best, guide various resources to tilt to high-quality resources, provide reference for the vehicle resources, and provide positive roles for the government to guide the development of the industry.


In addition, Dongyang said that in electric vehicles, smart cars, our country must develop with the world. After several years of vigorous promotion and positive development, China's new-energy automotive industry has achieved remarkable results. For three consecutive years, it has been the world's largest producer and distributor of new-energy automobiles, accounting for 50 % of the global market, and the market development has greatly promoted the development of technology. We have made great technological progress in batteries, motors and vehicles. While strengthening technological innovation in the Chinese auto industry, foreign companies are welcome to come to China for common development. On the one hand, because major companies have their own technological strengths, on the other hand, the development of new energy vehicles is the common direction of the world's automobiles. It uses the Chinese market to develop together and is also China's major country.


The dual-point policy issued by the Chinese government shows the open attitude of the Chinese government in the development of new energy vehicles. The development of smart cars and technological and industrial changes will far exceed electric vehicles. It may change the way people travel, redefine the wisdom of cars, and redefine the boundaries and relationships between the automotive industry and industries such as Internet communications. Therefore, in the development of intelligent network vehicles, it is necessary to further strengthen cooperation with various countries, especially cooperation between companies in various countries.


The following is a transcript of Dongyang's speech:


Dongyang: In 2018, China's economic development has entered a new era. It has gone from high growth to high-quality growth. As the mainstay of the national economy, China's automotive industry has increasingly shown great vitality and has become an important engine for driving China's economic development and consumption upgrading. For nine consecutive years, China has topped the world's auto production and sales list. In 2017, China's auto production and sales exceeded 2 million vehicles, accounting for one-third of the world's share, and new energy vehicles accounted for more than 50 vehicles. China has become the world's auto industry. The focus of attention.


In the new stage of development, I think China's auto industry urgently needs to solve the following transformation problems.


The first is to change from high speed development to high quality development. We need to shift from a focus on the speed of development to a focus on the quality of development. The Chinese auto industry needs to be transformed into a low-carbon, electrically-driven, intelligent and information-based industry. It needs to carry out structural adjustment, upgrade its industry, create Chinese brands, and improve the core competitiveness of the Chinese auto industry.


Second, the technological development of the automobile industry in China should be shifted from introduction and learning to independent innovation. At a time when trade protectionism is on the rise in some countries, we need to stress that the Chinese auto industry has developed through all-round opening up. In the past 30 years or so, the technological development of the Chinese auto industry has mainly been to learn to absorb and absorb international advanced technological experience. Today, we need to pay more attention to independent innovation and strengthen independent research and development based on research and experimental production practices. It is not only our own development needs, but also our responsibility and responsibility. We would also like to stress that while we are strengthening independent innovation in our technology, market opening will continue and will become more open.


Third, the development of China's automotive industry should focus on manufacturing, and on providing products to the whole life cycle and user services. Smart car, network car, travel and intelligence have become the new field of continuous development in the automotive field. The global auto industry is facing a major transformation. In this major change, traditional automotive companies must embrace the Internet and learn the concept of Internet thinking. They must change from the industrial concept of manufacturing that has been formed in the past 100 years and more to the concept of user-centered. The product should be designed and manufactured based on the user's consumption needs and habits. After the product sales of the service, from the principal agent to direct service, to people-oriented products throughout the life cycle and maintain contact with customers for customer service.


Fourth, in electric cars and smart cars, we need to develop with the whole world. After several years of vigorous promotion and positive development, China's new-energy automotive industry has achieved remarkable results. For three consecutive years, it has been the world's largest producer and distributor of new-energy automobiles, accounting for 50 % of the global market, and the market development has greatly promoted the development of technology. We have made great technological progress in batteries, motors and vehicles. While strengthening technological innovation in the Chinese auto industry, we welcome foreign companies to come to China for common development. On the one hand, we know that the development of new energy vehicles is the common direction of the world's automobiles, making use of the Chinese market for common development and serving as China's major power. The dual-point policy issued by the Chinese government shows the open attitude of the Chinese government in the development of new energy vehicles. The development of smart cars and technological and industrial changes will far exceed electric vehicles. It may change the way people travel, redefine the wisdom of cars, and redefine the boundaries and relationships between the automotive industry and industries such as Internet communications. Therefore, in the development of intelligent network vehicles, it is necessary to further strengthen cooperation with various countries, especially cooperation between companies in various countries.


I would like to take this opportunity to announce the important news that we will carry out the evaluation and release of the white list of automotive batteries and clean fuel cells. Power cells and clean fuel cells are the core resources of new energy vehicles. For new energy vehicles technological progress, industrial upgrading, sustainable development, is crucial. To this end, according to the authorization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the China Automobile Industry Association and the China Automobile Alliance officially launched the evaluation of the self-regulatory white list of the automotive power cell and clean fuel cell industry since April 26, 2018. Today, the management of the white list of automotive power cells and clean fuel cells will be posted on websites such as the China Automobile Industry Association and the Innovation Alliance. The areas included in the evaluation of the white list include key materials, power cores, batteries, and related enterprises to file according to the principle of voluntariness. In May 2018, the white list will be issued in batches. The purpose of issuing the white list is to promote the selection of the best, guide various resources to tilt to high-quality resources, provide reference for the vehicle resources, and provide positive roles for the government to guide the development of the industry.


This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. After 40 years of hard work, China's auto industry has developed rapidly and achieved remarkable achievements. This also gives special significance to the 2018 China Automobile Forum. I hope everyone will join hands to jointly promote the rapid and healthy development of the Chinese auto industry and contribute to the early establishment of a powerful auto country.


The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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