22 Years' Battery Customization

Construction industry closed-loop ecological santon new energy construction "lithium-electricity Kingdom"

Sep 06, 2019   Pageview:540

As one of the gathering areas of the domestic new energy industry, Hunan has both unique advantages of mineral resources and a large number of talents and technical support brought by universities and research institutes represented by Central South University.


In this context, more than 200 industrial chain companies including positive poles, negative poles, diaphragm, batteries, and vehicles have been gathered. A large number of leading companies have emerged, including Thornton New Energy, Sequoia New Energy, and China Car Times Electric.


Among them, Thornton New Energy, which was established only six years ago, has continued to expand its industrial chain with a fast and stable layout speed, from power batteries to positive materials to three-electric systems, and its "Lithium Power Kingdom" is rising strongly. It has become a "business card" for the development of Hunan Li-electric new energy industry.


On April 10th, the High-tech lithium battery Supply Chain Tour Research Team entered the Thornton New Energy Industrial Park in the northwest of Jiuhua Economic Development Zone, Xiangtan City, Hunan Province, to explore the strategic layout of Hunan's new energy industry "Black Horse".


Yangxiaowei, executive vice president of Thornton New Energy, introduced to High-tech lithium battery, backed by the Sandar Group, and Thornton New Energy used power batteries as its core breakthrough to carry out the layout of the entire industrial chain. At present, The business has been extended to positive materials, BMS, battery cloud platforms, three-power systems, Internet + used battery recovery, battery material recycling technology and other fields.


Relying on the synergies brought about by the layout of Yuquan's industrial chain, Thornton New Energy intends to achieve the output value and revenue of lithium batteries into the top five and lithium batteries in China. Three.


As one of the most influential brand activities in the industry, High-tech lithium battery supply chain tour research activities have reached the seventh session. This year, the tour starts from Huannan Station and is expected to take 2 months, spanning 4 regions and 30 + cities, visiting China 50 + mainstream power batteries. enterprise. Use the footsteps to measure the development of the industry, in order to visit the pulse of the industry. The tour was strongly supported by lithium power companies such as Aoruite, Wei Tegao, Radium Technology, Xinlonghao, Today's International, and Tek Technology.


In the on-site investigation, Yangxiaowei said that in the power battery production capacity planning, Thornton New Energy mainly takes the soft package three-yuan battery route, adopts the VDA and the new national standard standards, the existing production capacity is 4GWh, is debugging production capacity 4GWh, by this year August, the overall production capacity will reach 8GWh.


In the improvement of battery performance, Thornton's new energy production core energy density reached 230 watts/kg. The mass production core energy density is expected to reach 260Wh / kg in the second half of this year, and the system energy density will reach 160 ~ 180Wh / kg. At the same time, the charge and charge ratio reached 4-6C level, and the lithium battery had good performance in low temperature charging and discharging.


In the power battery market supporting applications, Thornton New Energy will be equipped with the electric upgrade of the guard car of the Sands Group. At the same time, it also has a targeted joint research and development with Chang 'an Automobile to provide a three-power system for its supporting.


In the exploration of the business model, Thornton New Energy is also integrating with the resources of the new environmental protection community economic platform under the Sun Group to form a new model of technology development, product support, vehicle promotion, precision operation, and efficient service support. Based on the closed loop of the entire industrial chain of the new energy sector, a unique comprehensive supporting capacity will be formed. In the future, large logistics express operators such as Shunfeng will be combined to optimize the operation of the entire value chain and explore business models.


As the intelligent manufacturing demonstration enterprise of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Thornton's new energy production line has gradually realized the intelligent operation of the entire process. In addition, the third phase of the project under construction will also create an open battery cloud platform.


High-power lithium has learned that the platform can monitor and manage each lithium battery throughout its life cycle, such as the position of the battery, the amount of electricity, and the safety factor. It can be supervised even after leaving the production workshop, before the car is assembled, and after the battery is abandoned. Through this platform, the battery can be analyzed and the physical and chemical properties of the battery can be studied, thus improving the power battery level of the entire industry.


As one of the four core materials of lithium batteries, the performance of positive electrode materials greatly affects the performance of lithium batteries and directly determines the cost of lithium ion batteries. It is in recognition of this that in the overall layout of Thornton's new energy, positive materials are arranged as a key link.


At present, Thornton's new energy positive material production capacity reaches 30,000 tons, including 14,000 tons of NCM ternary materials, 6,000 tons of high nickel ternary materials, 6,000 tons of lithium iron phosphate materials, 4,000 tons of lithium manganese acid materials, and 811 battery materials have also passed several major customers. Validation and determination of long-term cooperation. In addition, new projects such as the annual production of 22,000 tons of positive materials will be put into production within the year, and the overall production capacity of positive materials will reach 52,000 tons.


In addition, Thornton New Energy is also actively deploying resource recovery and mineral development, in which the supply of raw materials mainly depends on the recycling of used batteries to solve the problem. The annual disposal of 100,000 tons of used batteries invested by Sandton, the parent company of Thornton New Energy, is expected to be put into use in 2019. The recovery rate of nickel, cobalt and manganese can reach more than 97 %. This will effectively guarantee the supply of raw materials for positive materials. At the same time, the seamless connection within the industrial chain will further improve production efficiency, reduce corporate costs, and enhance the overall competitive strength of the industrial chain of Thornton New Energy.


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